I am in the middle of 'No One Escapes Cidhna Mine'. I want to side with Thonar, for no real reason other than getting the smithing ring. I have my skiv, and I've gotten past Borkul (I have 2 of his keys, one from pickpocket and the other because he let me in through persuade). I have tried to pickpocket Madanach, but the only thing in his possession is Madanach's Note and a bottle of Skooma. Where is the Key?
I have also tried to kill him about a dozen times using various methods - back stab with skiv, using both skiv and pickaxe as weapons, using combinations of magic (Left hand) and Skiv (right hand) coupling with Shouts - Disarm, Elemental Fury, Fire Breath, and Powers - Agent of Strife. Nothing seem to work (I'm lvl 40).
Any suggestions?