» Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:27 am
You made the right decision, bro. Far Cry 3 is unbelievably bad.
dude seriously? how bad?
-Some textures look horrifyingly bad for no reason. They are scattered randomly.
-Weird water/sky shader that makes stuff look incredibly pixelated regardless of settings, renderer or resolution under certain lighting conditions
-Unsatisfying gunplay/enemy AI
-Story presentation is atrocious
-Protagonist is an unbearable whiny pvssy puss puss who b*tches constantly
-Optimization is completely bonkers: Appears to run perfectly for some people and like complete utter sh*t for some others (including myself), regardless of GPU/CPU brand or model among the higher ends
-Controls customization is laughable: There isn't even a zoom/ADS toggle option, you are stuck with the console-oriented "hold to aim"
-Hipfiring makes your crosshairs disappear with some weapons. Also with some weapons, while hipfiring you can only walk veeeeeeeery slowly.
-Quests with several objectives or item fetching requirements place them continuously for the duration of the quest on your HUD, encompassed in a giant, 100% opaque black box that blocks like 1/4th of the screen completely
-Whenever you do or see ANYTHING in this game, it prompts you to press ESC to receive tutorials or database entry information. ESC is the god-forsaken PAUSE/MENU BUTTON: If you try to pause during one of these constant prompts, you open a tutorial or database entry, and it gets ANNOYING, very, very fast.
-Mouse acceleration seems to be forced when you select some graphical options avobe MEDIUM spec, even if Mouse Accel is disabled in the menu
I could spend hours on this.oh uhg
WTF was a 4 years development cycle spent on then?
I mean I am a console player but some of those flaws affect me too especially the narrative and broken gun play
the hell....I am glad I chose crysis 3 then