I made a choice.....(and a suggestion or two if you please)

Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:31 pm

I had to choose between Far Cry 3 and Crysis 3 (to put money down for a pre order long story short I do not have a lot of time to get invested in franchises anymore thanks to work...it was one or the other) a few weeks back

after deliberation.....I chose Crysis 3

the reason? Very VERY few shooters ever gave me the replayability of Crysis 1 and 2...EVER. A replayability matched only by the Mass Effect games ( until the third game). This replayability is given in large part by the full NG+ offered to me by the games, please Crytek do not neglect this feature in Crysis 3

thank you kindly and it is good to be back.
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james kite
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:39 pm

Crysis 2 has like a quarter of the first game's replayabilty but yeah, it's still more fun than replaying other shooters. But I think Far Cry 3 will be more replayable than C3 though I'll probably like Crysis 3 more.
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Kristian Perez
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:13 pm

Crysis 2 has like a quarter of the first game's replayabilty but yeah, it's still more fun than replaying other shooters. But I think Far Cry 3 will be more replayable than C3 though I'll probably like Crysis 3 more.
not to me

lack of NG+ kills my replay desires man....also I played both Crysis and crysis 2 and I found them equally replayable, I did enjoy the extra focus of C2 even tho they went a little over but it does seem that is going to be addressed in C3
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Lucky Boy
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 6:08 pm

You made the right decision, bro. Far Cry 3 is unbelievably bad.
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:25 pm

You made the right decision, bro. Far Cry 3 is unbelievably bad.
dude seriously? how bad?
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.X chantelle .x Smith
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 5:51 pm

You made the right decision, bro. Far Cry 3 is unbelievably bad.
dude seriously? how bad?

-Some textures look horrifyingly bad for no reason. They are scattered randomly.

-Weird water/sky shader that makes stuff look incredibly pixelated regardless of settings, renderer or resolution under certain lighting conditions

-Unsatisfying gunplay/enemy AI

-Story presentation is atrocious

-Protagonist is an unbearable whiny pvssy puss puss who b*tches constantly

-Optimization is completely bonkers: Appears to run perfectly for some people and like complete utter sh*t for some others (including myself), regardless of GPU/CPU brand or model among the higher ends

-Controls customization is laughable: There isn't even a zoom/ADS toggle option, you are stuck with the console-oriented "hold to aim"

-Hipfiring makes your crosshairs disappear with some weapons. Also with some weapons, while hipfiring you can only walk veeeeeeeery slowly.

-Quests with several objectives or item fetching requirements place them continuously for the duration of the quest on your HUD, encompassed in a giant, 100% opaque black box that blocks like 1/4th of the screen completely

-Whenever you do or see ANYTHING in this game, it prompts you to press ESC to receive tutorials or database entry information. ESC is the god-forsaken PAUSE/MENU BUTTON: If you try to pause during one of these constant prompts, you open a tutorial or database entry, and it gets ANNOYING, very, very fast.

-Mouse acceleration seems to be forced when you select some graphical options avobe MEDIUM spec, even if Mouse Accel is disabled in the menu

I could spend hours on this.
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Shiarra Curtis
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Post » Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:27 am

You made the right decision, bro. Far Cry 3 is unbelievably bad.
dude seriously? how bad?

-Some textures look horrifyingly bad for no reason. They are scattered randomly.

-Weird water/sky shader that makes stuff look incredibly pixelated regardless of settings, renderer or resolution under certain lighting conditions

-Unsatisfying gunplay/enemy AI

-Story presentation is atrocious

-Protagonist is an unbearable whiny pvssy puss puss who b*tches constantly

-Optimization is completely bonkers: Appears to run perfectly for some people and like complete utter sh*t for some others (including myself), regardless of GPU/CPU brand or model among the higher ends

-Controls customization is laughable: There isn't even a zoom/ADS toggle option, you are stuck with the console-oriented "hold to aim"

-Hipfiring makes your crosshairs disappear with some weapons. Also with some weapons, while hipfiring you can only walk veeeeeeeery slowly.

-Quests with several objectives or item fetching requirements place them continuously for the duration of the quest on your HUD, encompassed in a giant, 100% opaque black box that blocks like 1/4th of the screen completely

-Whenever you do or see ANYTHING in this game, it prompts you to press ESC to receive tutorials or database entry information. ESC is the god-forsaken PAUSE/MENU BUTTON: If you try to pause during one of these constant prompts, you open a tutorial or database entry, and it gets ANNOYING, very, very fast.

-Mouse acceleration seems to be forced when you select some graphical options avobe MEDIUM spec, even if Mouse Accel is disabled in the menu

I could spend hours on this.oh uhg

WTF was a 4 years development cycle spent on then?
I mean I am a console player but some of those flaws affect me too especially the narrative and broken gun play

the hell....I am glad I chose crysis 3 then
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Natalie Harvey
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 5:19 pm

The pause/tutorial/database button is already enough to throw the game in the trash can. And if that's not enough, gigantic, vision-blocking HUD elements will get you.

It's not a bad console port: It's a bad game.

Which is very unfortunate because I was actually sort of excited.
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Andrea P
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 10:58 am

The pause/tutorial/database button is already enough to throw the game in the trash can. And if that's not enough, gigantic, vision-blocking HUD elements will get you.

It's not a bad console port: It's a bad game.

Which is very unfortunate because I was actually sort of excited.
so was I but screw this.....
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R.I.p MOmmy
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Post » Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:19 am

I personally enjoyed Far Cry 3. Yeah the AI is a piece of crap, I haven't ran into much of those problems. (Though I finished the game in 9 hours and probably didn't notice)

I've never paused the game to read things but I do agree it is annoying. It is annoying to pause the game to open up skills and crafting.

Game runs very smooth on my computer surprisingly, but the downside to it is random pop ins of items, rocks etc.

(Those who haven't played it, DON'T READ THIS PART) Story line is similar to Avatar which I really did not enjoy at all.

It still is an enjoyable game, I fricken love Vaas though. :P
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Monika Fiolek
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Post » Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:19 am

I just found Vaas disgusting. He overuses sixual references too much, and far too "in your face". Truth be told, I couldn't bring myself to like any goddamn character in the game, except Jason's brother. And you know how that turns out.

In short, OP made the right call.
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Danial Zachery
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:51 pm

The game is pretty brutal. Reason why I liked Vaas is because he was (In my opinion) scary and disturbing as hell.
Crysis 3 is fun (Coming from Alpha) and yeah, I agree he did make the right choice to get it. Crysis 3 = Tons of action
Far Cry 3 = Blood, drugs, six etc.
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