How did you miss the info about Skyrim - it was announced in December?

I understand what you're saying, and mostly agree, however, Elder Scrolls has taken a turn from fantasy game to Dungeons and Dragons with this latest game. I would have preferred to never see that happen. There is no excuse for putting dragons in a TES game (in my mind).
Then you need to dig into lore more. :shrug:
I hope you are right, and I hope they do it well, I am still a bit shocked and disappointed that they chose to go in this direction though, from Morrowind which was a great game set in an alien fantasy world to Oblivion which incorporated such creatures as wolves, deer, bears, horses and the usual D&D creatures (trolls, orcs and such) to Skyrim which at first glance looks like a hack and slash dragon fighting game. But, if they do it right then it is possible that all hope is not yet lost.
No offense but your opinion of "doing it right" vs. what I think, or what a 1000 other members think is "right" varies so much its laughable. And its what keeps these forums busy and chatty.

But the only ones who know what is right in their world are the developers and story writers for the game. Your suggestions in a multi-year spanning thread of TES-V suggestions and ideas may be all well and good but that thread was never intended as anything but a good space for members to toss around ideas. Todd and others have said they read the forums and I would imagine that over time they have found some interesting posts or discussions. But I think they have a solid vision - and probably a longer term one - of the world they have created and expanded upon over the years.
On one thing I agree, becouse, even if Oblivion looked pretty for it's time, there wasn't that much of gameplay available outside of the main Quest.
I'd rather have twice the content of Oblivion in exchange for only slightly improved Morrowind graphics and content, but maybe that's just me?
Heh. So many people on this forum ignore the main quest in Oblivionand play through the interesting and lengthy other questlines.