Here's one you probably won't want to answer: The Digital House and the digitals from the Loveletter from the Fifth Era.
Feel free to toss in any tidbits about House Sul Progenitor House and C0DA while you're at it.

"Belief-engines, properly called the "Auxiliary Semi-Shockpoint Nilgularity", provide energy for short dream-sleeve jumps in case a Vehkship's main ego is damaged, allowing the C0DA
Paravant to potentially get to the safety of a voidyard orbital.
"By creating the equivalent of an Nu-class Mnemolic, shrinking it instantaneously via a creatia tesseract array, and then projecting the resulting moth-talk well to a nil-point just outside the ego's hull, an ASSN can slingshot the
Paravant into era-streams without the needed energies of nearby aetheric bodies or shockpoint application.
"The ASSN is strictly Last Ditch technology, however. It's often deemed as too dangerous for its own good, because it works on the rarified principles of Phynaster's Inversion, a set of mathematics that doesn't exist in our own dimension. Vehkships have vanished in nil-space trying to make an ASSN jump?indeed, the celestial irregularity known as the M4bV Legerity, in which the C0DA
Oblivion Vanquisher appears and implodes in perpetuity, is the belief system's most famous cautionary tale."
S'all I got. Sorry.
Doesn't seem like it'd be hard to do. There's a Father and a Son in the Christian mythos, who are separate but one. As an Aedra of the cycle of birth and death, he became mortal, spirit transformed to flesh, to experience it firsthand, and then took his rightful place.
I like it. Here's 4000 more points, because you're really very lovely.