I felt like making this thread because I recently beat Mafia II and want other peoples opinions on it. I loved the story and atmosphere but felt mislead by the demo I was expecting a sandbox type game but I still like the game regardless. After I beat the game I didn't feel at all like there was any replay value but I still wanted to play the game so I downloaded the Joe's Adventures DLC and boy was I disappointed... The first mission or two of the DLC make you feel like you have a good story and campaign to enjoy but then as soon as Joe gets of that train BAM! It's arcade mode, now I just play the DLC to go on killing sprees when I get bored,
Spoiler however I did like the DLC for making up for the lack of Joe due to the horrible thing that's clearly implied happened to Joe at the end of the game, Goodnight Sweet Prince. :cryvaultboy:
So if anybody has any thought or opinions about the game please post them especially about the ending just don't forget to use spoiler tags.
I agree. I was hoping for good DLC, but boy did it svck.
I really enjoyed the game as well. Really good story, tight gameplay, and besides what some reviews stated I thought the ai was pretty good, not quite what you would find in fear, but nothing worse than what you expect from games nowadays. Does anyone else feel that the China Town level closer to the end was a bit misplaced? I thought it felt out of place with the more grounded feel throughout the rest of the game. Never got the chance to play the dlc however. Should I really just stay away?
Yes. The DLC is awful. Joe's Adventures started off well, then did terrible early on. I couldn't even finish either DLC.