It's because this game is TERRIBLE!
I got it from Steam since it unlocked on midnight and I've been playing it and wow, Bethesda really batted .000 this month. First with Brink and now with Hunted. Whats wrong with Hunted?
The game is bland and unimaginative. The combat is slow and its so boring. Just slash slash slash shoot. If you care about graphics, they're nothing special. The Unreal Engine 3.0 needs to be retired. Animations are awkward as heck.
But lets get back to the most important thing: Gameplay. I cannot stress enough how stilted and janky everything seems. And the AI is awful. All they do is run at you. There is no sense of challenge at all. Which is good because your companion's AI is terrible itself. I'd like to play multi with someone, but it appears because of the lack of marketing, not a lot of people bought this stinker on Steam.
DO NOT BUY. This is your warning! You really lost me as a customer, Bethesda. First Brink's lackluster debut, and now this. I guess the new Elder Scrolls will be disappointing as well.