Hi all, I need your advice on mages...I want to play the typical Altmer or Breton Mage (I've not played as a mage yet, unless you count some fiddling with the magic system)...
So I have some questions:
How many schools to focus on? I really want to do all 5+enchanting but feel this will gimp my character as he'll have no focus.Or can I pull that off?
Do I need to pick one 'sort' of destruction spell? Ice, fire, shock, to be effective?
I have heard it said to invest in stats this way:
Never stop investing in magicka. Invest in health to around 300-400 hp. Don't invest in stamina.
Also, what is better, 50+ magicka for Altmer, or 25% magic resistance for Breton? Because that magicka bonus is pretty juicy but I have heard people saying that high level mages never run out of magicka.
Thanks so much for your advice!