What I mean by armor variation is this:
For Robes, as an example. Are there every any better enchants on Robes besides '50% Mana Regen + 12% less cost of (insert spell skill)'. These are
the only enchants I ever found on Robes during my 90 hours (level 41) play-through on my first character, and I was able to find these types of Robes
as early as level 5.
Another concern is graphical differences. Again, throughout the first 90hours of the game I only came across, maybe, 4 different robes (which for the most
part looked fairly similar).
One of my biggest enjoyments of RPGs (especially TES games) is going into a dungeon hoping that at the end I'll come out with an improved piece of
armor or weapon (however weapons are not a concern for me as a mage).
So basically what I'm asking is this - is there better Mage armors than what you find within the first 5, 10, or even 20 levels of the game? Do the enchants
ever increase / differ in any way? (excluding the enchants you can put on yourself)