Mage Assassin Build - no armor or light

Post » Wed Apr 23, 2014 10:23 am

Okay, I've looked all over, so please tell me if this is the wrong forum for this And I know this has been asked many times before, but I haven't seen anything with my specific build in mind. My main issue is what armor to use, I am undecided between light and none(robes). I don't even think there are skills that help with no armor. These are my traits for the character I want to play.

1. stealth

2. archery

3. destruction(pretty much recommended and necessary according to most forums)

4. illusion

5. alteration(is this needed? some say it is)

6. Blacksmithing(possibly)

7. Enchanting

8. Alchemy

I want to try stealth(played medium armor tank type in Morrowind, didn't play Oblivion much - installed OOO and I couldn't get started with a pure mage). Shoot arrows hidden in the shadows, back stab, somehow dodge. And from what I read use lightning spells/arrows to take down dragons. I like challenging. My medium armor argonian left little challenge after a while, and became monotonous.

Also, I was considering:

1. dual wield(2 swords, sword and dagger or 2 daggers)

2. dagger or sword in main hand, spells in off-hand

3. sword and board - but I don't think I can cast then

Open to suggestions here too.

I am also going to be getting ESO for PS4 this June, so I will be looking for a guild if anyone knows of any. As you can see I am older(played and loved Morrowind). And can play most nights after 9 EST. PM or email me


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sarah simon-rogaume
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Post » Tue Apr 22, 2014 11:22 pm

There are perks in the alteration tree that deal with armor you cast, for example, say oakflesh, or stone.

Edit: and duel weild is hard to pull off unless your in combat, when sneaking it isnt advised

Sword and board wouldnt really be neccesary on a assassin

I would recommend option 2 dagger in one hand and spell in other, assassins can be the most overpowered in the game, with the right perk and item you can do 30x sneak damage
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Robyn Lena
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Post » Wed Apr 23, 2014 8:25 am

Thank you Burner. With light or no armor(robes)?

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Post » Wed Apr 23, 2014 12:14 am

I like to have at least a little armor even as a mage, with boots and bracers being the minimum. I like to wear some sort of light armor (guard armor being my favorite since it looks kind of tunic/robe-like) until I get my skills up enough to go without it and be reasonably protected. That way I don't have to cast a ward, or stoneflesh, or whatever. Also, dual enchanting is great for a combination build. On my previous character I had various sets of clothes/armor for: general combat, one-hand specific, archery specific, general mage, and destruction mage.


As for gear and enchantments, I'd go:

circlet/hood: archery

necklace: destruction

armor: magicka regen

bracers: one-handed

ring: destruction

boots: muffle

focusing on a variety of skills kind of spreads enchantment effects thin though, so dual enchanting would be the way to go, doubling up on one-hand, archery, maybe magicka regen.

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Post » Tue Apr 22, 2014 10:00 pm

Well personally i am almost always a heavy armor assassin, but i dont always wear the heavy armor, until i level my sneak so i can wear heavy even when sneaking,

But i would recommend light armor, especially since the item that does 2x sneak damage is light armor, that plus the 15x perk, boom 30x damage.

Edit: also thd above mentioned by spacemanspiff, except for the bracers, i have heard fortify one hand doesnt work on daggers(?)
But i know for sure that the double sneak attack gloves from the dark brotherhood make for 30x(when in combination with the sneak perk 15x sneak with daggers.)

So light armor, with robes
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Post » Tue Apr 22, 2014 11:47 pm

I always play as a sorceress, and it is always no armor, for I play as a pure sneaky mage for my gals love to sneak. If I want to use a bow, I use the bound bow, and there is a perk in the sneak tree that raises the bows damage while in sneak 3x. I do not use alteration, for I doo not like it, and have no use for it. My opinion. Besides, by the time an enemy gets that close, they are already dead.

I use illusion for the quiet casting and aspect of terror perks. Because one of the destruction perks causes fear in enemies, the aspect of terror perk adds 10% more damage to fire spells. Some people use illusion for the mind spells, but I do not.

I use conjuration for the helpers that I can summon in battle, for my gals never have a follower. I can summon my own and it helps raise the conjuration tree.

I use restoration for the necromage perk, which also adds damage to any undead, including vampires.

I use destruction as my main tree, my bread and butter so to speak. Mostly fire. The only time I use frost is against dragons that use fire.

I also use alchemy for I make all my own potions, and enchanting for I enchant all my own stuff.

I use shouts for they help a lot also.

Hope this helps.

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