Mage Equipment 2

Post » Sat Mar 05, 2011 6:25 am

I've been meaning to ask this for a while, but I think you said on the TESNexus page that these outfits replace the normal ones. Any chance of making a version that doesn't replace them, as to be compatible with Slof's Robe Trader?
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Del Arte
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Post » Sat Mar 05, 2011 3:25 am

I've been meaning to ask this for a while, but I think you said on the TESNexus page that these outfits replace the normal ones. Any chance of making a version that doesn't replace them, as to be compatible with Slof's Robe Trader?

Well, to be honest, I do not plan to do much work on this as I'm quite happy with it as is. A for compatibility with Slof's robe trader, you can replace my meshes and textures with hers. I have used a lot of textures by her and she has used some of my meshes. I do not know, but I guess you can activate both mods and load Slof's mod after mine and see what you get. I am not too sure, but I guess it might give you both - mine and slof's robe. Also some time back someone (I think it was Dewshine) posted how (s)he did this for him/her self. I'll try to find the post for you.

EDIT: Yes, here it is!
What I did to make them work together is to cut the NPCs altered in half. This makes half the NPCs use this and half pull from the standard lists (and use Slof's robes.) If I can get permission I'll release a 'lite' version of this mod that only changes a random half of the NPCs.

It is post number 34, secon page on this thread.
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Jeff Turner
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Post » Sat Mar 05, 2011 1:29 pm

Wait, I'd kinda thought you'd edited the base files for the robes. Maybe you didn't, judging by what I had read on the TESNexus page. Something about leveled lists kinda makes me think new robes, old people. But you didn't replace any quest award ones, right? Aside from the one that silly corpse was wearing. What was his name again? Mamarco? He should look more dead IMO, since from what I've read he's a lich or something. And not a wimp.
Worst comes to worst I edit out all the changes, and rebuild the mod. Hell, I might even ask to release it.
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Post » Sat Mar 05, 2011 5:03 am

those daggers look neat, good job
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Post » Sat Mar 05, 2011 4:23 am

the "Lite" version for Frans users is up here:
I'll make a non-Frans one and upload it to the same place.

EDIT: Both versions are now up.
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Kerri Lee
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Post » Sat Mar 05, 2011 1:14 pm

Wait, I'd kinda thought you'd edited the base files for the robes. Maybe you didn't, judging by what I had read on the TESNexus page. Something about leveled lists kinda makes me think new robes, old people. But you didn't replace any quest award ones, right? Aside from the one that silly corpse was wearing. What was his name again? Mamarco? He should look more dead IMO, since from what I've read he's a lich or something. And not a wimp.
Worst comes to worst I edit out all the changes, and rebuild the mod. Hell, I might even ask to release it.

I have not changed the vanilla robes. I have just removed them from all the leveled lists and basicly from all the places in the world but they still exist in the CS - thusly, when you have a mod that adds a vanilla robe to an NPC, this NPC will wear the vanilla robe. If I deleted the robes, those NPCs could be ruuning around naked. In case of robes taht are scripted or importnat in other way, I just edited the vanilla ones. I did this to Necromancer robes and to Mythic dawn robes to ensure taht none of the quests that deal with those items is screwed up. As far as Mannimarco's robes go, they were not "important" in any way, so I jsut made a new set and put it on him.

those daggers look neat, good job


the "Lite" version for Frans users is up here:
I'll make a non-Frans one and upload it to the same place.

EDIT: Both versions are now up.

Wonderful! Thanks a lot. I'll edit the opening post with the link. :foodndrink:
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Sasha Brown
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Post » Sat Mar 05, 2011 8:08 am

A new patch was released that should make Mage Equipment mod more compatible with OOO. You can find details in first post.
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Post » Sat Mar 05, 2011 7:12 am

A new patch was released that should make Mage Equipment mod more compatible with OOO. You can find details in first post.

Thanks for this. :goodjob:
Just going to have to exercise some enormous self control until someone (hopefully) can come up with a fix for the enchanted clothing price bug.
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Post » Sat Mar 05, 2011 3:45 am

Yeah, I know. I'm really sorry for that, but Dev_Akm promissed to look into this. But I guess that with OOO and FCOM he has a ot on his mind. So well, let's just take this as a self enhancing experience :)
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Post » Sat Mar 05, 2011 4:01 pm

a sneaky bump for the morning/evening/night or whatever time period it is whereever you are.
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Post » Sat Mar 05, 2011 3:55 am

Edit 1: Downloaded 2.1 and compared, I definitely have an old version. But this one does not contain the 'No Manni' option. Does this mean I'll lose all of my gear again if I use the new version? :sad:

w00t! Last time I updated though, it wiped all of the Mage Equipment I had previously collected, lost a really nice set of gloves :( Still, good to know you that you keep making this better :) For the longest time I couldn't figure out why I wasn't finding any loot. Then I realized FCOM is probly over-riding a lot of the loot lists. So moved Mage Equipment - No Manni near the bottom of my order, and all is good. One question though. Could you please add a version number when viewing in Wrye Bash? I kinda sortof don't remember if I got the new version when it came out in August :embarrass:
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Dan Stevens
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Post » Sat Mar 05, 2011 7:00 pm

Great mod! I have been using it for some time and like it very much.

I have been 'suffering' from the FCOM-related inflated prices bug, though, but I don't mind. I don't mind? No, I like this mod so much I will not part with it even with this conflict! Report: prices of some of the ME items were ten times higher than intended. That's better than 100 times some people experience. Some items were the intended price. And some have no price at all, not even zero; but they appear to count as zero. I don't think many non-ME prices are affected yet. The Mythic Dawn robes and hoods first got their prices upped very much, but later they somehow returned to normal.

A question: I think I have version 0.5.2. I don't have the Shivering Isles. I reckon the 0.5.2 version didn't require SI. I would like to upgrade to 2.1, but what would happen?
- Will it be playable at all without SI, such as just a few missing meshes showing yellow marks? Or will it CTD?
- If it is at all playable without SI, could I get the item codes for the ME items somewhere? As the ones I have already got will disappear, I will want to replace them through the console additem code.

If the answer to either question is no, I will stick to the old version (as long as the price inflation bug remains fairly minor).
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Trevor Bostwick
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Post » Sat Mar 05, 2011 4:30 am

Great mod! I have been using it for some time and like it very much.

I have been 'suffering' from the FCOM-related inflated prices bug, though, but I don't mind. I don't mind? No, I like this mod so much I will not part with it even with this conflict! Report: prices of some of the ME items were ten times higher than intended. That's better than 100 times some people experience. Some items were the intended price. And some have no price at all, not even zero; but they appear to count as zero. I don't think many non-ME prices are affected yet. The Mythic Dawn robes and hoods first got their prices upped very much, but later they somehow returned to normal.

A question: I think I have version 0.5.2. I don't have the Shivering Isles. I reckon the 0.5.2 version didn't require SI. I would like to upgrade to 2.1, but what would happen?
- Will it be playable at all without SI, such as just a few missing meshes showing yellow marks? Or will it CTD?
- If it is at all playable without SI, could I get the item codes for the ME items somewhere? As the ones I have already got will disappear, I will want to replace them through the console additem code.

If the answer to either question is no, I will stick to the old version (as long as the price inflation bug remains fairly minor).

Hi, I'm very glad that you like the mod. Now to the questions.

Firstly, if an item shows no price, it means that its price is less then 0, since the game cannot handle negative numbers, it shows nothing. i'm glad someone comfirmed, taht even those items are sellable and will not cause any sever reaction - like the computer exploding or some such.

The price bug is caused by scripts ad for me those are an enygma, so I have no idea why or how the prices change. Dev_Akm promissed to look into this, but I have not heard from him for some time. Maybe he is too busy elsewhere.

All versions of Mage Equipment always required the Shivering Isles. I have to put this into the read-mes and describtions because I used some resources from SI and as far as I know these must not be redistributed to those who have not bought the datadisk. But if you download the mod and do not heed this, well, there is nothing I can do about it ;) . If you play this mod without SI, it is VERY unlikely that you will get missing textures or meshes (well with the number of things, I cannot guarrantee it, I might have forgotten some texture, but I rather doubt it. Meshes are will not be missing for sure). The only probem is that the Mage Equipment changes some locations and leveled lists that come from SI. These are not present in vanilla Oblivion, so the game will not find them while loading the plug-in. Now, I'm no expert, but I THINK that this is about all that will happen. No CTD, no other problem, BUT I cannot be sure as I have never tried it and never had a report from anyone who did.

And for the other part of the question, the codes do not change between versions, so if you just replace the old .esp with a new one, you should still have all the items you had before. It is sort of recomended to make a "clean save" while updating for the scripts to take effect, but since the scripts are bugged to begin with, I guess you do not need to do that (not even a clean save will solve the problem). If you want the codes for the items, you will have to find them yourself in the CS.

Hope this helps you at least a little bit.

have a good time playing and I hope my mod(s) will help you enjoy the game a bit more.
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Kate Schofield
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Post » Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:58 am

Okay, so I just installed Mage Equipment 2.1 LITE (because I'm running Slof's), but I'm also running FCOM, so should/could I run Mage Equipment for OOO too? Just wondered, thanks!

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Post » Sat Mar 05, 2011 5:58 pm

Thank you for your lightning-speed feedback! I much appreciate it.

Firstly, if an item shows no price, it means that its price is less then 0, since the game cannot handle negative numbers, it shows nothing. i'm glad someone comfirmed, taht even those items are sellable and will not cause any sever reaction - like the computer exploding or some such.

No explosions for far. The merchants will not buy the items with negative prices, though: they say they haven't got enough gold to buy it.

I'm glad that using this version without SI will probably not cause problems! The old version hasn't, so far. I could uninstall it anyway, if problems should come up. Incidentally, do you think the same applies to many other mods "requiring" SI? I never use them for fear of problems, but could it be so that this is often merely a legal problem?

And for the other part of the question, the codes do not change between versions, so if you just replace the old .esp with a new one, you should still have all the items you had before. It is sort of recomended to make a "clean save" while updating for the scripts to take effect, but since the scripts are bugged to begin with, I guess you do not need to do that (not even a clean save will solve the problem). If you want the codes for the items, you will have to find them yourself in the CS.

I see, I have never used the CS but now that you mention it I think gleaning the codes from Tes4View is easy, I can do that. However, you say that items will not disappear unless I make a clean save. By this you mean dumping all my ME items (and entering a location without NPCs as usual with a clean save) before making a save?
I believe you wrote in some readme or description of some version of ME (can't remember where exactly) that updating will remove all present ME items. I read some user in this thread who also reported this. But you say now that this doesn't apply? Never mind, I can re-add the items through the console anyway.

Besides, when you say "if you just replace the old .esp with a new one": do you mean without replacing the Meshes and Textures folders? Won't I miss out on some interesting new content if I don't replace those folders from 0.5.2 to 2.1?

A new question: will it be okay to use the "ME for OOO" patch without SI? I'd expect it will be.
And what about the "lite" patch for Fran's?

I love this mod, as far as I know there is no comparable mod that adds both robes and staves for mages that are actually useful (with enchantments). And they look good! Great work.
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Post » Sat Mar 05, 2011 7:27 am

Okay, so I just installed Mage Equipment 2.1 LITE (because I'm running Slof's), but I'm also running FCOM, so should/could I run Mage Equipment for OOO too? Just wondered, thanks!


To tell the truth, I do not know. I do not use FCOM. The OOO version was made woth OOO only. If FCOM consists of OOO if you have an OOO.esm in your load order, it whould work fine, if not, then I guess you might have problems as ME for OOO ahs OOO.esm listed as a master.

I'm glad that using this version without SI will probably not cause problems! The old version hasn't, so far. I could uninstall it anyway, if problems should come up. Incidentally, do you think the same applies to many other mods "requiring" SI? I never use them for fear of problems, but could it be so that this is often merely a legal problem?

Well, it is difficult to say really. Some mods require SI because they use their mehes or textures direclty (those resources are not in the download)or some mods can be taking place in SI. It is always best to ask the creator. Another problem is that if you have SI installed, you can hardly make a SI non-dependant plug-ins, as installing SI changes your Oblivion.esm

I see, I have never used the CS but now that you mention it I think gleaning the codes from Tes4View is easy, I can do that. However, you say that items will not disappear unless I make a clean save. By this you mean dumping all my ME items (and entering a location without NPCs as usual with a clean save) before making a save?

Clean save means that you disable the given mod in your data files, load your game and save it without the mod. This is a clean save. It is done to remove all the ressources and parts of the mod form game before updating. As I understand it, it is mostly important with scripts.
I believe you wrote in some readme or description of some version of ME (can't remember where exactly) that updating will remove all present ME items. I read some user in this thread who also reported this. But you say now that this doesn't apply? Never mind, I can re-add the items through the console anyway.

Besides, when you say "if you just replace the old .esp with a new one": do you mean without replacing the Meshes and Textures folders? Won't I miss out on some interesting new content if I don't replace those folders from 0.5.2 to 2.1?

I have not said that well enough I suppose. If you update the Mage Equipment, always update the meshes and textures. But updating meshes and textures cannot and under no surcomstances will not change what kind of items you have in game. Changing meshes and textures can only alter the look of the items. So this is why I said that. I ment it as an oposit to clean save which will remove ME items form your inventory.

A new question: will it be okay to use the "ME for OOO" patch without SI? I'd expect it will be.
And what about the "lite" patch for Fran's?

ME for OOO is just a patch that makes the OOO robes to look more like the ones in ME and adds class specific robes (conjurers, necromancers) to OOO NPCs, as far as SI support goes, the same rules apply as with the non-OOO version.
The LITE module of Mage Equipment was made by DewShine who wanted to combine Mage Equipment and Slof's Robe Trader. I think he basily lowered the chance of ME items appearing so that they do not completely overwrite Robe Trader items. If you have OOO, do NOT use teh LITE version for Fran, but you can use the LITE version which is FRAN non-dependable. Just remember that you can have only one of the Mage Equipment esp active!
I love this mod, as far as I know there is no comparable mod that adds both robes and staves for mages that are actually useful (with enchantments). And they look good! Great work.

Thank you. I felt so myslef, thus I made the mod. I'm glad that people find think it fulfilled its purpose.
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Post » Sat Mar 05, 2011 6:55 am

To tell the truth, I do not know. I do not use FCOM. The OOO version was made woth OOO only. If FCOM consists of OOO if you have an OOO.esm in your load order, it whould work fine, if not, then I guess you might have problems as ME for OOO ahs OOO.esm listed as a master.
The LITE module of Mage Equipment was made by DewShine who wanted to combine Mage Equipment and Slof's Robe Trader. I think he basily lowered the chance of ME items appearing so that they do not completely overwrite Robe Trader items. If you have OOO, do NOT use teh LITE version for Fran, but you can use the LITE version which is FRAN non-dependable. Just remember that you can have only one of the Mage Equipment esp active!

Thank you for clearing those things up! I am installing 2.1 as we speak. One thing: FCOM includes OOO, Fran's, Martigen's, Warcry, and Bob's Armory. It is meant to be a combination of all the great overhaul mods, or whatever one may call them. I use FCOM, so I should probably use Fran's if I want an ME lite version?
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daniel royle
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Post » Sat Mar 05, 2011 6:00 pm

No, FCOM adds only items from Frans. Creatures are handled by MMM and NPCs are controlled by OOO. So for FCOM you need the OOO version.

The reason I created the Lite version of this mod was to provide variety. some of my NPCs now appear in Slof's robes, some wear ME robes, some wear Vanilla robes and I've got a few that wear robes from WAC. I like variety. :)
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Alba Casas
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Post » Sat Mar 05, 2011 5:03 pm

No, FCOM adds only items from Frans. Creatures are handled by MMM and NPCs are controlled by OOO. So for FCOM you need the OOO version.

The reason I created the Lite version of this mod was to provide variety. some of my NPCs now appear in Slof's robes, some wear ME robes, some wear Vanilla robes and I've got a few that wear robes from WAC. I like variety. :)

Variety is always a good thing.
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Mrs Pooh
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Post » Sat Mar 05, 2011 5:46 am

No, FCOM adds only items from Frans. Creatures are handled by MMM and NPCs are controlled by OOO. So for FCOM you need the OOO version.

The reason I created the Lite version of this mod was to provide variety. some of my NPCs now appear in Slof's robes, some wear ME robes, some wear Vanilla robes and I've got a few that wear robes from WAC. I like variety. :)

Ah, thank you for clarifying! Yes, I was considering variety, too, as I saw your mod. Good idea. What is WAC?
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Post » Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:45 am

WAC is Waalax's Animals and Creatures. I'm Alpha testing.


Waalax is the fellow that made the RealSword series.
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Beulah Bell
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Post » Sat Mar 05, 2011 4:52 pm

WAC is Waalax's Animals and Creatures. I'm Alpha testing.


Waalax is the fellow that made the RealSword series.

Thank you for making that clear! Yeah I heard of Waalax's Animals and Creatures, now that you mention it - seemed like a great idea, hope it will develop smoothly.
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Post » Sat Mar 05, 2011 5:21 pm

Does anybody know of Exnem Replacer / HGEC for this?

I searched eyecandy, tesnexus, etc..? none to be found..



I like love the Robes you gave to SI heretics and Zealot by the way, work's great with the new MMM Herectics and Zealot with MMMForSI..

I have your mod setup in bashed patched has filter/graphics to import your robes without actually needing to load your mod per say..

Just thought I would post in case that is useful for other's..

Do you have any more plans to expand the mod further or tweak the leveledlist for non Frans / OOO user's..

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Nienna garcia
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Post » Sat Mar 05, 2011 1:46 pm

Perhaps I am just being stupid, but: are the dread mage and white war priest robes actually placed somewhere? I searched the ayleid ruin mentioned in the spreadsheet for the dread mage robe and afterwards looked for any sign of these two robes or the NPCs supposed to wear them in the construction set - to no avail.
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Roanne Bardsley
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Post » Sat Mar 05, 2011 4:00 pm

Xargon, the Dread Mage robes are placed on an enemy in the mountains somewhere, but I forget which part. Not sure about the other one. Mage Equipment actually has to be loaded pretty far down in your order, otherwise a lot of npc and dungeon loot tables get over-written by FCOM. And Corepc, that's actually quite handy to know :) Though I haven't had a chance to test out the SI gear just yet, I'm curious what kind of replacer you're looking for exactly. So far as I know, all of the ME robes are full-bodied affairs that don't leave any exposed skin.
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