Okay, so I just installed Mage Equipment 2.1 LITE (because I'm running Slof's), but I'm also running FCOM, so should/could I run Mage Equipment for OOO too? Just wondered, thanks!
To tell the truth, I do not know. I do not use FCOM. The OOO version was made woth OOO only. If FCOM consists of OOO if you have an OOO.esm in your load order, it whould work fine, if not, then I guess you might have problems as ME for OOO ahs OOO.esm listed as a master.
I'm glad that using this version without SI will probably not cause problems! The old version hasn't, so far. I could uninstall it anyway, if problems should come up. Incidentally, do you think the same applies to many other mods "requiring" SI? I never use them for fear of problems, but could it be so that this is often merely a legal problem?
Well, it is difficult to say really. Some mods require SI because they use their mehes or textures direclty (those resources are not in the download)or some mods can be taking place in SI. It is always best to ask the creator. Another problem is that if you have SI installed, you can hardly make a SI non-dependant plug-ins, as installing SI changes your Oblivion.esm
I see, I have never used the CS but now that you mention it I think gleaning the codes from Tes4View is easy, I can do that. However, you say that items will not disappear unless I make a clean save. By this you mean dumping all my ME items (and entering a location without NPCs as usual with a clean save) before making a save?
Clean save means that you disable the given mod in your data files, load your game and save it without the mod. This is a clean save. It is done to remove all the ressources and parts of the mod form game before updating. As I understand it, it is mostly important with scripts.
I believe you wrote in some readme or description of some version of ME (can't remember where exactly) that updating will remove all present ME items. I read some user in this thread who also reported this. But you say now that this doesn't apply? Never mind, I can re-add the items through the console anyway.
Besides, when you say "if you just replace the old .esp with a new one": do you mean without replacing the Meshes and Textures folders? Won't I miss out on some interesting new content if I don't replace those folders from 0.5.2 to 2.1?
I have not said that well enough I suppose. If you update the Mage Equipment, always update the meshes and textures. But updating meshes and textures cannot and under no surcomstances will not change what kind of items you have in game. Changing meshes and textures can only alter the look of the items. So this is why I said that. I ment it as an oposit to clean save which will remove ME items form your inventory.
A new question: will it be okay to use the "ME for OOO" patch without SI? I'd expect it will be.
And what about the "lite" patch for Fran's?
ME for OOO is just a patch that makes the OOO robes to look more like the ones in ME and adds class specific robes (conjurers, necromancers) to OOO NPCs, as far as SI support goes, the same rules apply as with the non-OOO version.
The LITE module of Mage Equipment was made by DewShine who wanted to combine Mage Equipment and Slof's Robe Trader. I think he basily lowered the chance of ME items appearing so that they do not completely overwrite Robe Trader items. If you have OOO, do NOT use teh LITE version for Fran, but you can use the LITE version which is FRAN non-dependable. Just remember that you can have only one of the Mage Equipment esp active!
I love this mod, as far as I know there is no comparable mod that adds both robes and staves for mages that are actually useful (with enchantments). And they look good! Great work.
Thank you. I felt so myslef, thus I made the mod. I'm glad that people find think it fulfilled its purpose.