So me and another conjurer companion and my wardog gets our asses handed to us... time after time.
Then I lost my temper!
So when the save game loads I just ran at the main necro woman screaming my head off and just started whaling on her ass with an ebony sword that had no enchantments on it. I knew I was going to die (I just needed to blow off some steam)... so why the hell did she fall over dead in less than 30 seconds? I was like WTF?
So I look at my destruction spells up in the late 70's, My conjuring in the 60's and my one handed in the low 40's and wonder what the hell is going on. I should have got killed surrounded by Draugr Scourges and a Necro throwing ice spells like crazy. But I was just going mental with the sword. WHAMWHAMWHAMWHAM... not even power attacks... just continuous normal attacks.
Also I had earlier tried using a guardian circle scroll but it takes sooooooooooooooooooooo darn long to cast and doesn't last very long that I pretty much think that scrolls should get a buff in the patch at the very least. Shorter cast time or longer effect considering that it's a one shot deal. Maybe 180 seconds for the guardian as all it does is stop the dead entering the circle. I just wish you could cast salt in a circle to keep the dead out heh.