They literally made zero purpose to wearing robes in this game. They take it one step further adding insult by forcing a player to spend 3 perks into Alteration just to have a relatively high AR...yet the final "skin" spell that you get gives you the maximum possible damage reduction WITHOUT any perks.
What people often forget is that a true mage needs his perks for the schools and can't invest into heavy armor if they do.
Yes you can do a mage in heavy armor, but a true scholar will focus on the magic schools
You don't have to drop a single point into any of the armor trees to still get a much higher benefit from wearing them over robes. The only time robes are better is if you have Mage Armor rank 1 or 2. Later on those perk points become redundant due to inept planning (Bethesda).
False. I don't know how many times I have read this false statement, the magicka regen speed bonuses do work in combat. Test it yourself
Yes, because instead of your mana taking 10 seconds to refill during combat, with +100% it will refill in 9. The point is, combat regen is so slow that the enchants don't even add enough that matters, even at high levels. Your base mana pool also determines how fast you regen mana both in and out of combat, so adding more mana over +% regen makes you regen quicker....
So in effect, no, they don't "work".
you should give a battle mage a try, once you get the mana/magica to summon 1 creature and 2 bound weapons in 1 go, its pretty epic feeling + the Bound weapons look awesome
People keep tossing around "Battlemage" on these forums and keep using it incorrectly. That's not a Battlemage, but it is the most powerful build in the game. Not only do the Bound Weapons do insanely good from level 1-30 on any difficulty, you also end up with 1-2 Dremora Lords who are grossly overpowered. You can actually summon them on any character too later on if you simply wear -%Conjur cost gear. Later on you can trivialize the game even more by smithing yourself some better gear.