I never am able to make a mage, whenever I do, I always end up using swords or bows anyway, even if I do manage to use magic for an extended period, I only ever use destruction, because I never really have good chances to use Illusion or mysticism.
I was wanting to make a schoalrly Alchemyst character, but am not sure what skills I should take to maximise, and make sure I use magic.

What race are you thinking of using? I pick one of the three following, Breton, Altmer or Dunmer.
For a birthsign, pick one of the magicka boosting ones. The Apprentice is my personal favourite, but the weakness can be quite the challenge. However, since you're an Alchemist, perhaps The Atronach could be of use?
I recently tried to play an Alchemist. She didn't make it very far, down to my restartitis.
Her build looked something like this:
Alchemy, Illusion, Destruction, Conjuration, Alteration, Mysticism and Restoration.
So all the magic skills. Once you have the right spells (you'll be able to afford them through Alchemy), and access to the Arcane University, you'll do fine. Don't worry about Alchemy making you level too fast, you can counter that by making epic poisons or potions.