» Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:50 am
To the OP: of course a generalist mage build is fine, or any destruction + conjuration build. That was never the complaint. The problem is that Destruction doesnt compare to other damage approaches. So, a character built with Heavy Armor, Block, and Destruction will be a lot weaker than a character who is Heavy, Block, and One-Handed. Or a Light Armor + Destruction will be much weaker than Light Armor + Archery; or Light + Two-Handed. Similarly, a well balanced mage (Destruction, Conjuration, Alteration, Illusion, Restoration) will be a lot weaker than you would be if you went with the exact same build, but switched out a weapon skill for Destruction. Using Archery, One-Handed, or Two-Handed in a build which is otherwise a generalist mage without destruction will be much better.
When people tell warriors that "of course you cant expect to be good as a warrior if you didnt take both two-handed and one-handed and both light armor and heavy armor, duh!" ... and until the day its also true ..... then it will continue to be nonsense to tell people who complain about destruction to take 4 or 5 other mage things to balance it.
The elder scrolls series has long had a tradition of heavy armor characters whose main attack is destruction; not to mention many other cool hybrids. But since destruction is a bit weak in this one, your warlock/battlemage builds suffer. Sure, you want to play a generic warrior or a generic generalist mage, fine. If you dont, well, tough it out I guess. I did.