As long as you can utilise Invisibilty and Muffle (the latter of which you can with your current Illusion skill), you'll be laughing. All my Mages in all TES games have leant towards stealth to aid their magic abilities, so you should be fine.
Sadly, Skyrim doesn't require you to be skilled in any of the Guilds respective skills. You can complete the Companions as a pure Mage, or the College of Winterhold as a Warrior, for example, without difficulty.
But if you're looking for an RP opportunity, look into levelling your Illusion skill to at least 75 and your sneak skill to anything above 40. This way you'll be able to carry on with the idea that your Mage is willing to steal
from/kill anyone who is in his/her way when it comes to aquiring knowledge.
Like any Telvanni would tell you