a mage shouldn't have to rely on summons to fight all his battles, his offense should come from a good offense not a good defense! if a mage cant do anything with destruction then whats the point of being a mage?
That would be your concept for a mage, not mine. My mages are utility/support characters and they like to stand behind nice sturdy tanks (summoned ones in this game). I perceive my job as a mage to control the encounter and use my spells intelligently to ensure victory as needed
That all said, I do sympathize with the people that find the destruction tree does not meet their concept of what a mage should be.
For me, a mage is supposed to be an enlightened and very intelligent fellow. My concept of an intelligent, enlightened person does not fall in line with "A good offense is a good offense". My concept of an intelligent enlightened person boils down to "the right tool for the right job" or "a lever, properly applied, could tilt the very universe up on end" or "I can use this piece of bubble gum and a paper clip to stop this nuclear reactor from melting down, I need you to hold off the bad guys for 30 more seconds".
I lament the recent history that have turned mages into nuke and burn glass cannons concepts. People who spend their lives in libraries studying books and delving into the secrets of the universe reduced to conceptual grunts with a flame thrower when they should be king makers ... so much sadness.