Kill anything with no return damage. Yeah, they are you were
That is off-topic, and has nothing to do with what the OP stated. You're reduced to using 1-2 spells and there is a lack of mage artifact gear. This is boring.
Also, anyone can do that by exploiting. Just use /tgm dude, its faster.
I'll just quote what i said to another guy and you'll understand that mages ARE indeed bad..
here it goes: ''But for crying out loud! If you become a more powerful mage it just makes sense that you make more damage! Just because you're lvl 50 shouldnt mean you have to use the master spells! They [censored] svck so why use them when you can use the others? Oh right! They svck too, because they don't level with you! The spells work differently too, what if i want to use a spell that shoots fire continuosly and does heaps of damage(the flamethrower spell)? Oh right i can't! Because that spell was made for me when i was a noob! Now i can't use it anymore because it doesn't do enough damage! I shouldn't be bound to certain spells just because i get more destruction skillpoints!''
Understand now?
I empathize with you, but I myself am a level 56 mage and am having absolutely no problems.
No... you CAN become overpowered if you abuse enchanting and smithing... using only the mage schools doesn't make you overpowered.. And certainly not using Destruction only like you should be able to do...
We get it, mages require a very strict build unlike all other archetypes. Destro in particular is the most dependent damage skill in the entire game. We get it.
Thats not the issue - the issue is that none of the hyped spells scale. This results in a horrible damage spell selection when compared to even bad rpg's such as Dragon Age 2.
they did it because it became and i quote "“spread-sheety.” It takes the magic out of magic." ya know because making custom spells really takes the magic out of magic. kinda funny that he used the term "“spread-sheety.” because it refers to numbers and all I've been doing since i found out spells dont level is look at the numbers. it's not so much they dropped the ball it's that they threw it onto the mars rover before it left earth.
Yeah - that's a bs excuse... Besides, aren't mages supposed to be astute in dealing with formulas and equasions? If mages want to be spread-sheety, I say give them exel!!
Mage doesn't need to exploit jack [censored], they can do it with spells out the box.
And the poll is good/bad. I'm voting stupidly overpowered, if you know what you are doing.
if by ''know what you're doing'' you mean exploiting already overpowered skills like enchanting and smithing then yes... they can become strong but not op.. And in high levels you still need to spam hundreds of bolts of whatever kind of magic to even kill an enemy!
There are many spells I do not use however. The only master spells I utilize are mass paralysis from stealth and dragonskin.
Some of the master spells are quite clearly not implemented correctly. For example the master level illusion spells don't even work on most enemies but the dual-casted expert ones work on everything.
And lightning storm doing less damage than thunderbolt. Some spells would be useful if not for their 5 second cast time, like blizzard and firestorm. If they were 1 second cast time they really wouldn't be that bad.
Keep in mind that despite this I'm doing just fine. I utilize alchemy pots in order to dish out higher damage in tight spots, and I don't even want that to change. I hardly ever need to use potions, and I love alchemy, so I cherish situations that are tough enough to warrant use alchemy pots.
Kill anything with no return damage. Yeah, they are you were
You wanna talk about no return damage. Pffft. My stealth archer can 1 shot ANYTHING. Should this poor thing not die, the second shot will without a doubt kill it. But the most important fact to note is, if I shoot from the right place the enemy can be standing literally right in front of me and not see me. My nose could be on their crotch and they would be none the wiser. I then have the option to poke them with my dagger.... nothing is walking away from that. And I can clear a crowded room without any of them ever knowing what the hell happened.
My mage ain't got it like that, he should... but he don't.
I have not played a mage yet, but I also find mages as opponents (NPC's) to be seriously weak.
I play a stealth archer and it usually takes no more than 2 hits with poison to get rid of them.
Very underwhelming (at least in the few areas I have explored).
And I think the problem is the lack of armor as the original posted stated.
lolwut? Obviously they die fast. Let one catch you out of stealth so you lose that triple damage and they can actually land a spell on you. I promise it wont be underwhelming
Well everyone doesn't have a gaming PC and THAT'S why they make it for consoles and pc... And THAT'S why they should make the game balanced BEFORE release...
So you didn't sneak, enchant, smith to improve weapons?
No armour? No crowd control?
Sure i sneaked... i never really added anything important.. I never enchanted, never improved my weapons and i only used armor i found myself or got through quests... And i am not quite sure what you mean with crowd control...
This is actually a very good point. People arguing destruction alone can svck if you don't use very specific and lucky gear and is heavily boosted by enchanting fortify . They play by their own self-restrictive set of rules and want to be able to blast through everything like a hyper-smithed dual wielder.
It'd be like me trying to play an illusion only mage, I'd have a pretty hard time with boss fights.
But NOT restricting yourself with these arbitrary rules such as this idea that destruction is the only mage tree, mages are downright stupid overpowered.
Illusion and conjuration alone turn you into nothing short of an invincible god. Mix in the rest of the spell schools and you become the destroyer of worlds.