So on master, you shot an enemy as part of a group, they came charging; what did you do?
Because a Mage just tosses mayhem/fury/frenzy and has popcorn. Calm last man standing and roast him, or have a minion [censored]slap it up and down.
You could play a Mage naked and kick [censored].
I am focusing on Destruction in this thread... I will add that to the OP...
Do you want me to quote what i said before? Nevermind ill do it anyways..
I was a bit angry when i wrote this so it may come out offensive but that doesn't mean anything

Just read it..
here it is.. ''But for crying out loud! If you become a more powerful mage it just makes sense that you make more damage! Just because you're lvl 50 shouldnt mean you have to use the master spells! They [censored] svck so why use them when you can use the others? Oh right! They svck too, because they don't level with you!
The spells work differently too, what if i want to use a spell that shoots fire continuosly and does heaps of damage(the flamethrower spell)? Oh right i can't! Because that spell was made for me when i was a noob! Now i can't use it anymore because it doesn't do enough damage! I shouldn't be bound to certain spells just because i get more destruction skillpoints!''
That's why they're bad and unbalanced and outright boring...
I also ''focus'' on the lack of spells.. the only thingi'll say is Oblivion had 2000 good spells that worked, Skyrim has 92 spells and the destruction(and maybe some other school too) part of it is very bad...
That should speak for itself!