» Tue May 17, 2011 2:28 am
Excepting in game limitations or developer oversight, which is, in my opinion, a poor excuse, I believe the answer lies in the nature of the spell. Necromancy revolves around finding a corpse, preserving it through unnatural means, and binding it to the master necromancer. Summons, which I infer are the "necromancy based" spells of which you speak, however recall a body for a limited amount of time, after which it is allowed to return to rest. Summons likewise involve no attempt to circumvent Arkay's rights.
It is also important to remember, at least in my mind, that not all of the Mages Guild was opposed to necromancy. Many scholars had no outright problem with it and, while not accepting it as a valid school of magick, viewed it as a science. It is only with Traven's ascension to the head of the Guild that necromancy became illegal.