On magic and mechanics in general, questions...

Post » Sat Nov 19, 2011 5:36 am

First post. I decided I'll sign in just to receive the answers from the source ;)

Where can I find summoned weapons damage?! Do spells scale with adjacent skill? What are the parameters for dualcasting a spell? Is there a way to check the "numbers" on all procentage with casting? Where do I look to check how many "hits" the weapon's enchantement can do before its discharged compeletely?

How do you "backstab"? Can you instant-kill someone with it? or is it just the 6x damage from the perk?

Where are all those informations? Am I blind or what?

A major oversight is the training and lvling up. When you gain 2-3 levels "in the field" you can only train 5 times with a teacher. When you TAB to skill menu you skip all the gained levels in one go thus loosing the ability to train 5 times with each that you allocated points for... and you cant exit the skill TAB before/during magic/health/stamina level up choice....
So its like this: I'm lvl 14 right now, but trained only 30 times although I had the money to spend on 70 lessons.

Another thing is blocking while dual wielding. Again, is it an oversight or an actual game design decision? Its the same with blocking while wielding the spell in the other hand. How about assigning block action to a autonomous key, lets say... MB3?

And I have to say that the UI is a clunky, bothersome, annoying and irritating [censored] little bastard. Dont tell me you did not test it. You did. So how come no one noticed its so bad on the PC? Beside the fact I have most precise instruments (mouse and keyboard) at hand I have to adhere to a constricting design and implementation made for consoles... ok, I san swollow, but why isnt it working properly? The pointer doesnt work, once you examine a book or an item the cursor is stuck in one place and you can only scroll with a wheel in hope you'll stop where you want to... on a list..

Well, I hope some of my questions will get an answer.

And by the way, I'm really enjoying the game and find it engrossing and captivating but dont you dare to rest on your laurels!
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Jordyn Youngman
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Post » Sat Nov 19, 2011 1:42 am

No replies, huh? Really? No insight from other forumites? Are you that busy playing Skyrim then? :)
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katie TWAVA
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:07 pm

Getting answers on this forum is well nigh impossible. Posts vanish off the main page almost wihtin minutes of them being posted. I've been trying to get a rough estimate of the base magicka cost of expert and master spells for four days now, and still haven't had a useful reply :(.

In answer to your questions....there's an awful lot of them - so quickly, all your spell and enchanting questions can be answered by clicking through the item and skills menu. duoble casting is a perk in the perk trees. enchantment points can be found by examining an item in the item menu. Just click and explore.

Not sure what you mean about instakill and backstab. If you sneak attack, you get extra damage according to the perks you have, and if the damage is high enoiugh to kill the target - tagert dies. Pretty logical really................

HAven't got time to go through the otehr questions...but I'd reccomend fiddling around in game and I think you'll find your answers there.
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Post » Sat Nov 19, 2011 12:38 am

Summoned weapon damage appears in the same place where regular weapon damage does i.e in your inventory page, at the bottom, when its equipped for summoned obviously.

You need to unlock the Dual casting perk in the Destruction tree, by achieving the prerequisite level.

Enchanted weapons have a gray bar appear on them, which goes down as you use them, if you look at them in your inventory i think. I dont use enchanted weapons much.

Backstab, you have to sneak up behind an enemy & attack with a single handed weapon. I've only done it once on an enemy with a health bar down to half, using a Dwarven Sword and got a slitting throat kill cam.

I know you can block obviously with a shield & with a 2h weapon. I tried to block with dual weapons, but like you say, either you cannot or i just couldnt figure it out.

UI is a console port, we have to live with it on PC i'm affraid, at least until someone mod's it.
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Charles Mckinna
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:26 pm

well picking one question to answer

no blocking when dual wielding is a design deciaion, though people say it is because no extra button available for console.
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Cathrin Hummel
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:06 pm

You can get insta-kills but it is based purely on the Sneak Attack multiplier (up to x15 right?). You get a special animation if they are human (or close) and that insta-kill sneak attack is from behind. So you won't see a special throat slitting animation for backstabbing a goat :)

You can't Block while Dual Wielding, you trade that ability for hugely increased damage output. I think it was a design decision but personally I think you should be able to block with a 1H if only a fraction of that blocked by a shield.

And yeah the Interface is terrible because it's a console interface hastily ported over.

For info: "information" is the plural of information, "lose" is spelled with one o.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:17 pm

Ha, never bothered to check my inventory for bound weapons damage! Silly me! Thank you Adcal.

Thanks for all the answers, but the meaning got lost somewere, maybe due to the fact that english is not my ,native language. And typos :D

What I was asking for, and partially have answers now, thank you, is what are the % refer to. Base damage or current damage? The damage's range or... whatever else. Lets say my spell does 10 damage but my perk ups it by 40 percent. So its 14 damage. Is that all or does it rely on my destruction level as well? Like I do the whole 10 base damage if I'm proficient (master lvl) in destruction?
And what is the multiplier in dualcasting?

One more question: can you backstab with a power attack from sneaking? I really cant figure it out, the health on enemy's bar goes down almost the same; power attack or no.

The info is obscure I must say.

@Intruder 313 thanks mate, the deal with "information" and "data" for example (where there is no singular form) is totally different in my language :D, never the less thank you for correcting me, I'll make sure to remember.
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Post » Sat Nov 19, 2011 5:36 am

There's an option for Xbox 360 controller if I'm not mistaken that allows a mouse-cursor for some added menu functionality if you check/uncheck the box (I forget which). But yes overall the interface is an acquired taste, it seems to have been setup for being unobtrusive to the player, although in practice it is pretty disjointed and feels fragmented because it was divided up into sections with a controllers d-pad/anolog sticks in mind.
You can get insta-kills but it is based purely on the Sneak Attack multiplier (up to x15 right?). You get a special animation if they are human (or close) and that insta-kill sneak attack is from behind. So you won't see a special throat slitting animation for backstabbing a goat :)

Small note, with the Dark Brotherhood gloves it's actually possible to get x30 because it doubles your backstab multiplier.
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Julie Serebrekoff
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Post » Sat Nov 19, 2011 3:21 am

There's an option for Xbox 360 controller if I'm not mistaken that allows a mouse-cursor for some added menu functionality if you check/uncheck the box (I forget which). But yes overall the interface is an acquired taste, it seems to have been setup for being unobtrusive to the player, although in practice it is pretty disjointed and feels fragmented because it was divided up into sections with a controllers d-pad/anolog sticks in mind.

Small note, with the Dark Brotherhood gloves it's actually possible to get x30 because it doubles your backstab multiplier.

But only for daggers, right?
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