Hmm that's a fair argument but I've persony liked magic but not really the pure Mage bit, so I thought it would be cool if there where more ways for a non Mage it tacal magic and this as a dwemer artifact seems suiting honestly I know how it looks but if you new the ideas behind the gun and it had appeared in morrowind in a dwemer temple no one would bat an eyelid, being a single player game I don't believe balance is a beall endall it's persontal taste and choice that goven ur playing and if not unless all ur looking for s a power trip your playing the game wrong. But if in fairness you thought it needed balance any magic acts performed by not magical ppl web be weaker, the caster allows a pure alchemist the chance to fire powerful spells with help of the caster a bow and arrow still need enchanting.
Dwemers are no more. And as far as we know, they liked to work with mechanics, not with magic.
About gameplay, then mages should be able to wear and be good with heavy armors and two-handed weapons... If non-mages can do what a mage can do... why shouldn't a mage be able to do what a non-mage can do? In adittion, you don't have to have enchanment to have magicak weapons, enemies loot it.
Guns have never been in the game. And a magical gun would be... even worse. And unfair.