Ok so by that logic we have soul gems so no rechargeable star charm for you then, no magic arrows no choose in weapons as game mech wise it's all the same geeze your all such N A Z I 's you such get over your selves I have no real wish for fire arms in the game but the level of maturity discussing very logic features ( we have magic alchemy cross bows steam punk robots, but no gun like mechanisms oh yeah apart from a magic arrows in a cross bow?!) I think other ways of casting would be great tes needs to get out there and help reinvent the fantasy genera with new or just atleast different foes of the same of same old, I would love to be able to use a charm gauntlet ring wand septa caster gun ect to fire magic not just out by bum.
First off, someone correct me if I'm wrong, but crossbows haven't been confirmed yet, right? And if they have, then link me.
Secondly, the Dwemer automatons are NOT Steampunk. Steampunk is a completely seperate genre. Their Golems, like the Iron Golems in D&D. Not Steampunk, their fantasy.
Last but not least, if you want a magic gauntlet, and guns. Go play Fable. TES or Bethesda for that matter, does NOT need to reinvent the Fantasy genre. In video games, they practically helped create the Genre. Other companies should be trying to catch up to them, and reinvent what Bethesda's making.