Back with yet another issue :armscrossed:.
Alright. So I have a magic effect that is set to Constant and delivered on self. The magic effect looks like this: - I tried with just the top two conditions, still didn't work.
The magic effect is meant to only cause a scripted effect. It is essentially polling, but because it's more effective and efficient than script polling I want to use an ability.
I want the effect to trigger only on certain conditions. I want it to trigger if A and B are true but C and D are not, or vice versa, or if all of them are true. So if A is bigger than 0, and B is equal to 1, trigger it. If C is bigger than 0, and D is equal to one, trigger it. If A and B and C and D are all true, then trigger it. If A and C are true, but B and D are not, then don't trigger it.
In the condition picture, Horses Owned is A, SRHorseRentEnable is B, Houses Owned is C, and SRHouseRentEnable is D.
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? The script on the MGEF never runs.
EDIT: Here's the script.
Scriptname SRMGEFScript extends activemagiceffect {Sends an event to the quest when the player begins paying rent.}Quest Property SRRentQuest AutoKeyword Property SRRentKeyword AutoEvent OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) Debug.MessageBox("Working..."); this never fires SRRentKeyword.SendStoryEvent()EndEventEvent OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) ;empty eventEndEvent