Magic Feels Fable 3-esk?

Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:34 pm

Who cares if it's similar to Fable? It's a good system. That's all that matters.

I think the problem is that, unlike the inclusion of Marraige, which is an immersion increasing social feature that Fable games had but Elder Scrolls lacked, the changes in the spell system are a step down, because Spellmaking was removed for the dual wielding. If all the spellmaking options were still in place, it would be fine. Especially if you could cast tailored spells from each hand. As it is however, there is very good reason to believe that the effectiveness and potency of magic have been significintly diminished, but with polished, fancy effects that serve in helping to distract people from what they have lost.
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Del Arte
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:55 pm

What makes you think you can't fire off both spells at once? One equipped to one hand, the other equipped to the other: Point both palms forward, pull both triggers, blast away.

Yeah, I know we can. I was just saying that those spells were not going to merge in one spell. We can have both Fire Damage and Ice Damage taking place at the same time, but not using just one spell. (Not a complain, I like this system, just pointing this out)
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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:30 pm

Yes, but the spells do not combine.
You have to twiddle buttons and hope for the best, you cannot preset the power of the spell.

Plus that it is now entirely possible for your secondary effect to miss the target.

Never mind that the old system let you combine eight effects into one spell.
Now we may be able to fire two effects simultaneously, but only one effect per spell.

To me that is not a really big deal. I only ever combined two effects into a spell, and most of the time I just made stronger versions of one spell effect. My mages never had enough magicka to cast strong, multiple effects spells. I suppose we will just have to disagree on this.
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 3:53 am

That is quite a bad observation..... it seems very much like the way Mortal Online is.
The charging up and different spells in hands.
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:04 pm

I think the problem is that, unlike the inclusion of Marraige, which is an immersion increasing social feature that Fable games had but Elder Scrolls lacked, the changes in the spell system are a step down, because Spellmaking was removed for the dual wielding. If all the spellmaking options were still in place, it would be fine. Especially if you could cast tailored spells from each hand. As it is however, there is very good reason to believe that the effectiveness and potency of magic have been significintly diminished, but with polished, fancy effects that serve in helping to distract people from what they have lost.

That's not why spellmaking was removed. They removed it because they didn't like how it worked in past games and they didn't want to implement it in Skyrim if they couldn't come up with a better system. And they couldn't, or they didn't want to devote time to it. I actually agree with them. I would love to see an improved spell making system either in DLC or in the next ES game, but I never used it in Oblivion because I thought it was lame unless I was [censored] around.
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Kevin S
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:29 pm

In Tamriel, magic is a science.
It performs the role of physics in our world.

Under the mage's guild it was a poncy science. Now, it's more primal and devastating.

I remember reading far too many complaints about how underpowered magicka was in the past games (Except Daggerfall, which had screwy maths). That's been fixed now.
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R.I.p MOmmy
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 3:56 pm

Wasn't it already confirmed you can't combine spells unless there the same spell?

I thought it was just spells from different schools or that weren't the same color. Like no frost and fire
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Alexandra Ryan
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:48 pm

I've never seen a Beth game go for creativity and originality... no, not even Morrowind

Arena and Daggerfall both were highly creative and had many original elements, one reason Bethesda is even on the map today. Morrowind still had quite a lot going for it, but it was definitely a turning point for the franchise. Oblivion definitely started going in this direction, and Skyrim further still.
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:11 pm

I think the problem is that, unlike the inclusion of Marraige, which is an immersion increasing social feature that Fable games had but Elder Scrolls lacked, the changes in the spell system are a step down, because Spellmaking was removed for the dual wielding. If all the spellmaking options were still in place, it would be fine. Especially if you could cast tailored spells from each hand. As it is however, there is very good reason to believe that the effectiveness and potency of magic have been significintly diminished, but with polished, fancy effects that serve in helping to distract people from what they have lost.

I understand if they wanted to reduce the complexity of spell casting a little, and I could live with that, but I think there should be at least some semblance of it left in the game. Custom spell making has been a staple of the franchise from the beginning.
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:12 pm

Arena and Daggerfall both were highly creative and had many original elements, one reason Bethesda is even on the map today. Morrowind still had quite a lot going for it, but it was definitely a turning point for the franchise. Oblivion definitely started going in this direction, and Skyrim further still.

Arena and Daggerfall original :lmao: Sorry... they really weren't. However, the games they ripped their material from have faded so far into obscurity Arena and Daggerfall seem unique now.
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:44 pm

I believe it is more Bioshock than Fable, because in fable magic=truelyop, you still got magicka, you still got to learn it, you got multiple effects from one spell not just one, and the charging doesn't lock you up ridiculously like it did in Fable.

In my opinion the only reason they took out Spellcreation was because they either
A) finally figured out how to balance magic, but Spellcreation messed with that
B) couldn't figure out how to handle the idea of wielding a 100%weakness spell in left hand and a same spell type in right hand.
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 2:24 pm

OT: I think that the new system could prove to be very interesting, especially when the AI uses it. Since it's supposed to be smarter, mages should be capable of more than just two styles(either summon something, draw weapon and attack with it, or spam magic in your general direction, run away, and heal whenever necessary). especially now that magic seems to have a new set of tactical choices.
You've got trap spells, short range spells, long range spells, large AoE spells, and possibly touch spells(not sure if there's been news on that, but I won't speculate). Depending on what spells a mage has, the new system could really change how magic is used in game

I have been shamed :sadvaultboy:
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:23 am


Please do not tell me what I can and can not post on a public forum.
I follow the rules, I am on topic and it is most certainly not acceptable for you to use that tone.
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alyssa ALYSSA
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 3:11 am

Call it annoyance, and I apologize for going a bit overboard. but really, not everything has to be about spellmaking.
I would prefer to read through a thread about magic without having to see either of your two avatars followed by a subsequent redirection of the whole discussion. it gets old after a few times. after about 40, it's way past old
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:40 pm

First topic posted in several years...

After watching some of the gameplay demo involving magicka and what not...I couldn't help but feel disappointed that felt alot like watching somebody throw magic around in fable 3...

I'm not saying anything bad about fable 3 (in this post)...but watching that just made me a little down about recognising similarities to another game.

On another note...that magicka effects on npc's looked way too similar to OB's for my liking...

any thoughts?

BTW I am still super pumped for Skyrim - have been since the days of Jiub on that leaky old prison boat long ago...

I disagree, I played Fable 3 and it looks nothing like it. I think it looks awesome and fun to play. Fable 3 felt too static and meaningless.
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:44 pm

Call it annoyance, and I apologize for going a bit overboard. but really, not everything has to be about spellmaking.
I would prefer to read through a thread about magic without having to see either of your two avatars followed by a subsequent redirection of the whole discussion. it gets old after a few times. after about 40, it's way past old

Apology accepted.

The reason for that is that TES magic for me is spellmaking. That is the long and short of it.

I suppose I could refrain from posting on threads about magic alltogether but it is an important issue to me.
Spellmaking is what got me into TES in the first place and I find the removal unfathomable.
Sorry if it gets old.
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jennie xhx
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:39 am

The dual of wielding of spells is just that though, spells of different effect do not combine.

Not every combination works but they confirmed you can combine multiple spells at once of different type. I believe an example was Circle of Protection + Lightning = enemies getting zapped as they get pushed away.
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:45 pm

Not every combination works but they confirmed you can combine multiple spells at once of different type. I believe an example was Circle of Protection + Lightning = enemies getting zapped as they get pushed away. thread was made when the news came that spell effects do not combine.
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:00 pm

By all means it seems more akin to Bioshock's Plasmids than Fable 3.

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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:03 pm

Apology accepted.

The reason for that is that TES magic for me is spellmaking. That is the long and short of it.

I suppose I could refrain from posting on threads about magic alltogether but it is an important issue to me.
Spellmaking is what got me into TES in the first place and I find the removal unfathomable.
Sorry if it gets old.

cheers :foodndrink:
well, now that I've sucessfully vented enough of my rage at both you and the loss of 5 hours of college work to think in a relatively straight line, let me give you some advice.
Try looking at what the system is, and see if it has any merit. andas hard as this is ,(believe me, I've tried ), imagine what you would think of the system if you had never played a previous TES game. might not help you feel better, but it'll certainly keep you from getting stuck on one subject. Heck, it might turn out to be better(if the sheer awesomeness that is Midas Magic is anything to go by)
and again, sorry for the outburst
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 4:04 am

Double postin!
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Jesus Duran
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:39 pm

Looks better than any magic I've seen in a game :)

Oh, for pete's freaking sake. Xarnac and Merari, will you please SHUT THE **** UP ABOUT SPELLMAKING ALREADY!!!!!
Geez, we get it: you aren't happy about iit's removal. But do you have to come in and make spellmaking the focus of half of every single magic thread?
let's discuss something else on the subject of magic in TES. PLEASE. IT'S GETTING OLD

OT: I think that the new system could prove to be very interesting, especially when the AI uses it. Since it's supposed to be smarter, mages should be capable of more than just two styles(either summon something, draw weapon and attack with it, or spam magic in your general direction, run away, and heal whenever necessary). especially now that magic seems to have a new set of tactical choices.
You've got trap spells, short range spells, long range spells, large AoE spells, and possibly touch spells(not sure if there's been news on that, but I won't speculate). Depending on what spells a mage has, the new system could really change how magic is used in game

And to the aforementioned posters, do NOT bring spellmaking into a response to that comment

Although you did go a bit overboard.. Xarnac is a bit [censored]y isn't he? :D
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StunnaLiike FiiFii
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 3:47 pm

Looks better than any magic I've seen in a game :)

Although you did go a bit overboard.. Xarnac is a bit [censored]y isn't he? :D

don't say you haven't thought that before :whistling:
and as I said, losing 5 hours of college work isn't a good thing for your temper. or your blood pressure, for that matter XD
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Post » Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:52 pm

Apology accepted.

The reason for that is that TES magic for me is spellmaking. That is the long and short of it.

I suppose I could refrain from posting on threads about magic alltogether but it is an important issue to me.
Spellmaking is what got me into TES in the first place and I find the removal unfathomable.
Sorry if it gets old.

I feel your pain Elmo, I really do. Spellmaking was pretty cool but spells are much more complex and not static by a long shot and nothing like Daggerfall, Morrowind, and Oblivion. Who knows, maybe it will be available in a DLC? I play 360/PS3 so mods are out of the question.
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:42 am

If magic were more like Fable 3, we would be able to combine spell effects!
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