magic items charge/recharge

Post » Sun Feb 27, 2011 8:31 pm

In Morrowind charge of the magic items regenerated during time and was connected to enchanting

My char always invested heavily in enchanting and almost never run out of charge for his items
but i was usually still carrying a few daggers just in case one got empty on me

In Oblivion the weapons needed to be recharged with souls from soul-gems
the system was complicated , expensive , a real pain and only with a azura star was it worth doing at all

For Skyrim i would either prefer Morrowind model or a new system.....

so..... here is my suggestion,

"items don't have their own charge at all , they burn your mana when used"

a few examples would be a :

1. assassin dagger with heavy damage but massive mana drain ( 3 - 4 hits max and you are empty )
2. heavy use sword with a small bonus to damage but an insignificant mana drain
3. .......... well , you get the idea

such a system would be simple , quick , cheap ( mana regenerates quickly ) and would make a mana pool for warrior and stealth types far more useful and meaningful investment

anyways ... tell me what you think and dint forget to vote.
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Alexandra walker
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Post » Mon Feb 28, 2011 1:40 am

Yeah not a bad idea at all. Maybe weapons found with enchantments would operate the old way, with soul gems etc... but items which you enchant yourself would be fused with your magicka pool? Also the effects from such items would not be fixed, and rather increase as your character develops...
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Monika Krzyzak
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Post » Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:17 am

I like both ideas posted above. Alternatively.... I like to think of weapons that are enchanted to simply have power that doesn't diminish. So a sword may increase your agility, without any "charge" drain, because the soul imbued simply provides this ability. This may need to be balanced with enchanted weapons being few and far between (which seems more likely anyway), and only rarely would they be uber powerful. So in short, balanced weapons that don't lose charge. (shesh this is a crap post, It's getting late down here)
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Jason White
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Post » Mon Feb 28, 2011 2:55 am

Yeah not a bad idea at all. Maybe weapons found with enchantments would operate the old way, with soul gems etc... but items which you enchant yourself would be fused with your magicka pool? Also the effects from such items would not be fixed, and rather increase as your character develops...

Sorry, off subject...

I really can't work your sig out... The way I see it there is no other penny... the waitress kept 2p from the 5p and gave 3p back to the guys...
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darnell waddington
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Post » Mon Feb 28, 2011 10:27 am

The Enchant system from Morrowind is flawed for two reasons:

1) It comes with huge exploits (not really my problem since I tend not to exploit them, but a flaw nevertheless).

2) It provides the Warrior with an easy and cheap way of using magic, since all he has to do is find or buy some good enchanted stuff and he's set. The Mage has no option of obtaining an equivalent combat proficiency. Well, weapon/armor summonings maybe, but that's hardly as useful and effective as enchantments.

Remember that enchanted items recharge over time, while magicka does NOT in Morrowind. Also, you can cast spells from enchantments way faster, in succession that is, than self-cast spells. Third, they have a 100% success rate - spells sometimes fail. All in all Enchanting in Morrowind is insanely overpowered and unbalancing.

In my opinion, the primary source of magic should be spellcasting. Enchantments should be rare and limited. Sort of like in Oblivion. I understand they are very convenient for characters lacking magic skills. But I think Bethesda did a good job balancing magic in Oblivion. A large part of that was a result of restraining the Enchant system.
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naome duncan
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Post » Mon Feb 28, 2011 10:47 am

Well you describe spell channeling not enchanting, but spell channeling can be perk in Enchanting skill tree.
Along with soul gem creation (Black Soul Gem creation can be done also as additional perk), enchant regeneration, disenchant ability, enchant identification.
Well seems enchanting will replace spell making and Todd say we can customize enchant thats will be nice to see how it will be done.
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Robert Jr
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Post » Sun Feb 27, 2011 9:10 pm

Oblivion's system was fine but how is Soul Trap going to work with Mysticism gone.
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Post » Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:35 am

I can't really say I like the idea of enchantments draining the player's magicka, after all, characters who do not use magic are going to be using enchanted weapons a lot, really, that's pretty much the way to go if you want your weapon to do the highest amount of damage possible, mages actually won't be using magic weapons that much, because they need their hands free for spells, generally speaking, a warrior who does not rely on magic has no need to worry about raising magicka, and can instead focus on other things that are useful to warriors, making enchantments dependent on magicka forces other character types to concern themselves with it as well, or just swear off enchanted weapons, because otherwise, they're going to constantly be running out of magicka. Besides, it kind of seems to defeat the purpose of enchantments entirely, why waste time with a sword that burns people when it hits them when you can just do the same thing with your hands, if the sword draws from the same energy you'd use to do the latter? With the sword, you also have to worry about it possibly breaking as well as its weight, if you just use magic entirely. Finally, it doesn't seem to make much sense, enchantments are supposed to draw from their own energy, or in this case, the soul gem you use for enchanting, the soul provides energy for the enchantment, if the enchantment has to draw power from your own magicka, then it defeats the purpose of using the soul.

Though that does give me an idea, assuming that enchantment charges remain, perhaps using your own magicka could be an option for enchantment recharge, maybe as a perk for enchanting.

What I say they should do is just ditch weapon charges entirely, I see no point to them, no RPG I've played that is not the Elder Scrolls has them, yet those games don't seem to be unbalanced by the fact that your magic sword doesn't have limited ammunition. If cast when used enchantments return, of course, those will need charges, but for weapons that just do damage on strike, weapon charges are really just an unnecessary annoyance. The strength of a soul used in enchanting can instead have the effect of adding another limitation to the strength of the enchantment beyond the enchantment value of an item (Which should also return.) much as the strength of the soul did when creating constant effect enchantments in Morrowind.

If for some reason, Bethesda is just really obssessed with the idea of enchantment charges and just isn't willing to part with them, they should return to Morrowind's method of having them recharge over time, in Oblivion, I often just didn't bother with enchanted weapons at all because it was just too annoying and costly to have to recharge them constantly.

Oblivion's system was fine but how is Soul Trap going to work with Mysticism gone.

Just because mysticism is gone doesn't mean the spells under it can't still exist, it IS possible to change which school a spell falls under between games, after all.
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Crystal Clear
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Post » Mon Feb 28, 2011 9:29 am

I like your idea as an option which could be selected during enchantment.

Also, suddenly I remembered how awesome it was in Daggerfall, where various souls always came with "pre-installed" effects. There were some without any, as far as I remember most powerful "pure" souls were Ancient Lich and Dragonling, but they had way less power than Daedra Lord. Though his soul carried some nasty side-effects.

Just think that it was awesome.
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Spooky Angel
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Post » Mon Feb 28, 2011 1:27 pm

Oblivion's enchantment system was one of the things that frustrated me about the game. I create enchanted weapons because I want to use an enchanted weapon. The frequency that powerful magic weapons had to be recharged was ridiculously annoying. In fact, it was so annoying that I eventually resorted to the duplication glitch. I want to enjoy the game, not waste a large amount of time buying and finding soul gems and then having to soul trap every other daedra I come across.

So my vote goes for Morrowind's enchantment style
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Post » Mon Feb 28, 2011 9:42 am

Some good thoughts here, I just have a couple to add. I'm a proponent of item-based recharging (such as Oblivion's Soul Gems). I think it offers a nice balance between allowing characters to have powerful weapons, while reducing exploitive tactics and perhaps encouraging a bit of discretion when choosing to unsheath enchanted weapons.

That said, Oblivion's system was flawed in two ways that come to mind immediately. One, the presence of Azura's Star made consumable soul gems fairly redundant. And two, more importantly, stopping to recharge your empty weapons mid-battle was about as immersion-breaking as I can imagine....

So here's my idea.... Sockets

Enchanted items will have a number of sockets on them into which you can attach soul gems. The number of sockets, and the quality of gems into which you can place them, is determined by the quality of the item found (or the materials used when making it). The effect is that whenever you are using the weapon and it is depleted of its current charges, it will automatically recharge itself from any available soul gem currently socketed in the item. If there are no available soul gems socketed, then the item will display the standard "item has no charges" dialogue.

I believe this system would help to increase immersion and force players to better prepare for upcoming battles, but alse remove some of the tedium that went with recharging in Oblivion.
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Antony Holdsworth
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Post » Sun Feb 27, 2011 11:48 pm

such a system would be simple , quick , cheap ( mana regenerates quickly ) and would make a mana pool for warrior and stealth types far more useful and meaningful investment

anyways ... tell me what you think and dint forget to vote.

Although not a bad idea.........

This could cause problems for Warriors and Thieves as adding points into 'Intellegence' (If this is used to determin Mana points) would take away the points from strength/Agility which are important for the Thief and Warrior character builds.

Also with a Perk system, taking mana related perks would again take away from the Warrior or Thief perks that you could invest in.

This would in-turn hamper the 'be what you want' type charaters that are encouraged within TES games.

Although I like the original Morrowind system where time also recharged your items, I think that the time to fully recharge should take alot longer. e.g. only 50 points a day are recharged, so it would take days to fully recharge higher end weapons rarther than hours. We can also fully recharge items with soul gems to speed up the process if we want to.
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Post » Mon Feb 28, 2011 10:19 am

I would certainly prefer it over Oblivion's system... :rolleyes: However, I think I'd prefer Morrowind's system. More fair to characters without a large magicka-pool but still relies on enchanted weaponry.
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Laura Richards
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Post » Mon Feb 28, 2011 9:27 am

Morrowind style please.

Oblivion's recharge system was...almost cheating. Pay again and again to use a weapon of YOURS that YOU have enchanted -_-;
I felt like I was buying a DLC everytime I paid for a recharge...LOL
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James Hate
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Post » Mon Feb 28, 2011 7:07 am

Recharging enchanted items was a pain in the dike in Oblivion. Azura's star and a soul trap on strike is essential for enchanters/spellswords. I prefer Morrowind's recharge over time ability. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it recharges faster if your skill is higher.v
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Post » Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:54 am

Recharging enchanted items was a pain in the dike in Oblivion. Azura's star and a soul trap on strike is essential for enchanters/spellswords. I prefer Morrowind's recharge over time ability. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it recharges faster if your skill is higher.v

yes , high encanting skill made for a faster recharge , and yes , enchanting skill has been confirmed in skyrim
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Emzy Baby!
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Post » Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:41 pm

In Morrowind charge of the magic items regenerated during time and was connected to enchanting

My char always invested heavily in enchanting and almost never run out of charge for his items
but i was usually still carrying a few daggers just in case one got empty on me

In Oblivion the weapons needed to be recharged with souls from soul-gems
the system was complicated , expensive , a real pain and only with a azura star was it worth doing at all

For Skyrim i would either prefer Morrowind model or a new system.....

so..... here is my suggestion,

"items don't have their own charge at all , they burn your mana when used"

a few examples would be a :

1. assassin dagger with heavy damage but massive mana drain ( 3 - 4 hits max and you are empty )
2. heavy use sword with a small bonus to damage but an insignificant mana drain
3. .......... well , you get the idea

such a system would be simple , quick , cheap ( mana regenerates quickly ) and would make a mana pool for warrior and stealth types far more useful and meaningful investment

anyways ... tell me what you think and dint forget to vote.

I don't know... that kind of scheme could lead to a rather awkward experience where characters that use magic would NOT be able to use magic weapons effectively, simply because they can't affor to spend magicka on both spells and enchantments.
I'd prefer semi-Morrowind style: enchantment charge regenerates, but only if you have a sufficient Enchant skill. Weak enchantments would work easily for anyone, whereas powerful enchantments would be expensive to use for people who didn't invest in the Enchant skill.
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Svenja Hedrich
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Post » Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:21 pm

i remember using a mod for oblivion that let you do something like this. you would pick which enchantment to put on a weapon and then used a varla stone to set the enchantment. you could change it to another enchantment but you had to use another varla stone. the mod let you either choose mana usage or a set number of enchantments like the vanilla system. it worked out ok cause i had magicka regen set to a very slow rate so you couldnt really abuse the weapons to much.

overall i preferred morrowinds system. i carried around a couple of enchanted weapons for difficult fights and then one normal weapon for simple fights.

note: i forget if the varla stone or the other magical stone was the one used for spell was the rarer of the two.
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Austin Suggs
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Post » Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:09 am

i prefer that they are recharged by time ,but we can also use the soul gems to recharge whit not waiting.
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Post » Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:09 am

I think enchanting weapons and armour should only be able to be done by high level mages (and i mean high lvl50 plus) and deadric/divine powers. and the charge should be endless for things like fire( and weapons enchanted with elements like fire should have the blade or hammer engulfed in fire, and the weapon should be able to use spell affects ( smash a lighting enchanted hammer at the ground and make a lightning explosion in all directions)
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Alexx Peace
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Post » Sun Feb 27, 2011 11:46 pm

I like the idea that the topic creator posted, but I can think of another one.

The magic item would have it's own charge pool, but you could also charge the item with your own mana. When you do not have any soul gems, it can be hasty to find a way to charge up your item. I think that charging the item with your mana when the item gets low is a fine solution to this problem.

The reason why I did not completely agree with the creators idea is that, if you use your own mana, you might as well be just using a spell.
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Cassie Boyle
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Post » Mon Feb 28, 2011 2:10 pm

I expect magic staves will self recharge but thier damage will require skill in the magic school used and perks in that school and in enchant itself.

I dont expect weapons to recharge but I do expect them to have larger numbers of charges this time.

I am hoping they bring back cast on use amulets and rings but again using magic skills and enchant and magic perks to determine effectiveness.

The main thing I expect is there will be no enchantable reflect absorb armoring or simular effects... and that alot of effects like magic resistance will be far harder to get much of.
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matt oneil
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Post » Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:16 am

Why do weapons need a charge? Armor doesnt. I say take the charge out, its annoying and pointless. You dont read any legends about King Arthur kicking himself for not leaving Excalibur on the charger the night before or bringing enough soulgems. (Meant for tongue in cheek humor, but theres some truth to it) If charge completely, by all means, HAS to remain, go Morrowind style with the ability to charge the weapon with your mana in a pinch if necessary.
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Post » Mon Feb 28, 2011 10:59 am

Morrowind style: I absolutely prefer this over Oblivion's. I don't wanna have to constantly be hunting down stuff to recharge my weapon, it was SOO annoying.

Oblivion: Terrible terrible system.

Your idea: THat would mean that characters with less mana would barely be able to use better enchanted items, not a good idea. Beisdes, the item is supposed to hold its power within itself, not rely on you.

My idea: I suggest giving up charges all together perhaps, they really aren't very fun.
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CHangohh BOyy
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Post » Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:51 am

This is a great topic and it definitely needs an overhaul in Skyrim. I've read through all posts so far and there are some really good ideas in them. I'm not sure I'm too keen on using your own mana straight up.

I really like the idea of sockets for soul gems, say from 1 to a max of 3, based on the size of the weapon you're enchanting (dagger gets 1 slot, 1-handed weapons get 2, 2-handed weapons get 3 slots). Also, you could put in various grades of gems depending on your Enchanting level and the gems could range from being empty to full, with higher grade gems being able to hold more souls. Being full or partially full just means you could start using the enchantment right away without having to trap a soul. If all sockets are filled you could replace a lesser gem with a better one (once your Enchanting level is high enough), but the gem you remove would be destroyed in the process and any trapped soul(s) would be lost. So we would still have soul gems, but instead of being used up in recharging the enchantment, they would remain fixed in their slot and be used to power it. The soul gem itself would need replenishing, rather than the enchantment needing recharging. This way you could cast soul trap on a target and after killing that target, any empty, or partially empty, soul gems in your inventory would be filled accordingly depending on the soul level of the target, the grade of the soul gem, the power of the soul trap spell, and how many soul gems are in the player's inventory at the time of soul capture. Soul gems in weapon sockets would be filled first, with loose gems being filled only after the socketed ones are full.

That's just one idea anyway.
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