So after a few years away from it I couldn't help myself and started playing Oblivion again when I heard that Skyrim was in development, and this time around I was very determined to get FCOM to work which I somehow did just about flawlessly on my first attempt. While I love it, I am going to be playing a pure mage and was wondering if any magic mods such as LAME or Supreme Magicka would be needed to make it a more enjoyable experience in the long run, or will just using the FCOM base be enjoyable for the pure mage on its own? Any thoughts or opinions on what people use for magic mods (if any at all) with this amazing overhaul convergence is greatly appreciated!
I insist on having both SM and LAME, because they both do things I rely on, and would hate to be without. I'm also using Midas this time around, for fun.
Luckily, they're both quite configurable (but yes, SM far more so). And, as Arkngt said, the load order matters too.
There are other ways (i.e., via mods) of balancing magic, reducing its effectiveness/reliability, or whatever else you might like to achieve. For instance, mods like Fizzle can make it harder to just casually use magic whenever and however. Oblivion XP, regardless of any issue some people might have with any other aspect, effectively nullifies the whole "cast until you level up" procedure that some people find all too tempting... Incidentally, I'm using that at the moment, too, and it's great!