Magic ! More Restricted than Oblivions or just as magical as

Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 9:07 pm

That would hold up if warriors could invent their own combat moves. Enchanting is just as much an excercise in crafting as smithing and alchemy.

Lmao. Weapons are tools like spells, mages have never been able to make up their own combat. Enchanting is NOT as much an execise in crafting as smithing. Spell crafting was the only way for mages to smith their own weapons, now they cannot. Your comparison does not work.
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Madeleine Rose Walsh
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 4:08 am

The majority of my characters in TES seem to be drawn to the appeal of magicka...

The spell-making in Oblivion, for some, was fun. I do have some empathy for those who will miss it.

I also think that the new Skyrim magic system will be fun.

I like the idea of the various spell powers increasing as my characters knowledge of the arcane is increased.

Short burst vs long burst flamethrower and other such spells sound interesting.

Further, I am looking forward to experimenting with the magical traps, etc.

The devs have a new idea for a new game.

I am willing to give the new system a try before I provide my judgement.
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Lynette Wilson
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 6:44 pm

As soon as people glance over the the word 'spell creation' they cough up the old 'the old spell creation system was to spreadsheety and useless' argument.

People then suddenly tend to forget that this is the newest installment of the elder scrolls serie and that for all their arguments about what new features have been added and improved, they also appear to automatically think that spell creation could not have been improved, thus deserved to be axed.
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remi lasisi
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 10:40 am

Lmao. Weapons are tools like spells, mages have never been able to make up their own combat. Enchanting is NOT as much an execise in crafting as smithing. Spell crafting was the only way for mages to smith their own weapons, now they cannot. Your comparison does not work.

Enchanting staves.

Besides just like alchemist test their ingredients for effects, smiths mine for ore, enchanters break down magical items to learn new effects, their 'ingredients'. All the crafting skills can be useful to any type of character but it makes sense mages need them most to enchant their robes and boost their magic potential (increase max magicka for example, or add protection to robes), just as a warrior upgrades his weapons and armour.
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Jessica Raven
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 8:12 pm

Lmao. Weapons are tools like spells, mages have never been able to make up their own combat. Enchanting is NOT as much an execise in crafting as smithing. Spell crafting was the only way for mages to smith their own weapons, now they cannot. Your comparison does not work.

So enchanting fortify magicka items or shield items, which increase your combat effectiveness, doesn't count as crafting in the same way as improving weapons and armour in order to increase your combat effectiveness? Right. If you make a ring of fortify destruction, that reduces magicka usage, so I can cast more spells before running out. No it doesn't make the spells do more damage, and is therefore not identical in effect to an improved sword, but it allows you to inflict more damage in a different way, with a similar end result. Effectively, you have made a weapon for your mage. I would respectfully suggest thinking through arguments before laughing at people.
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 10:25 am

A new improved spell creation system + New magic system = Pure win

I compleatly agree, but Beth havent been able to make on which they feel is right so I'll be happy with just the new improved system.

Enchanting involves imbuing existing items with magic, that is not crafting, it's enchanting. More simply: Enchanting =/= Crafting. Echanting = Enchanting. Mages now have no crafting system, where as every other play style does. There's no good excuse you or anyone else can give for the absence of spell making.

What exactly is crafting then?
Material + Armor = Better Armor
Soulgem + Armor = Better Armor

Or do you have to make something from scratch to consider it crafting, but in alchemy you dont make it from scratch you just combine ingredients, you didn't make those ingredients from scratch you where only combinding them to make their effect stronger.
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 8:30 pm

1: So you are saying pen and paper RPGs which invented the genre are not essential to the genre? and even now that spell making is removed the spread sheet system is still working behind the scenes

2: Well Yeah, whenever a game series changes components that have been in since the start people get pissed off. TES was complex and when it got simplified (not my choice of words) people got angry, if COD suddenly became a D&D style shooter then their fans would be irritated as well

1/ Pen and Paper RPG's were not spreadsheets, those that think they are/were must have been playing them wrong. I can name many RPG's that don't even have attributes, classes or even dice rolls. People seem to only know of Dungeons and Dragons, and base every RPG off that. And to be fair to Dungeons and Dragons, it wasn't a spreadsheet, it was about charcter development. If you really had the sort of person on your group that treated the game as a min/maxing spreadsheet you should have kicked them out ASAP so you can start actually having fun.
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Lloyd Muldowney
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 8:15 am

With the removal of spellmaking my wizard has been demoted to an apprentice.
The inability to create my own spells means that what made magic magical, wonderful, interesting and varied is gone.
There is mathematically no way the new system is as complex, for the exact same reason that two times three is less than two times three times three.

All we are left with is generic pre-made, linear, boxed-in spells that are in essence no different from any other game's psi powers or plasmids.

The magic has been removed from TES.

To use your metaphor, your wizard was always an apprentice. In order to make a fire spell with spellmaking you had to already know one. It wasn't so much creating as modifying. I am well aware that that may be a bit semantical. I will save us the trouble of an arguement on semantics by saying that what something is, at the most basic, is something that exists. Therefore, what we call things is actually very important.

No, seriously, let's not get into that.

As far as math is concerned, two plus two can equal five because things may be greater than the sum of their parts. :tongue: End direct response.

Spellmaking was not removed because of "streamling", "dumbing down", or it's "spreadsheetoscity". They dropped it becasue they couldn't get it to work with the new magic system.
Spellmaking was not a philosophical issue but a practical one.

It's not like, when the started work on Skyrim, Todd Howard walked into the office and said "Everybody listen up! [Censored] spellmaking. I don't know how magic's going to work this time around but [censored] it. No Bob, I don't care if we can make it work, it's not goin' in." (For best results, us your best [censored] voice when reading.)

That's the impression I get sometimes. Hyperbole? Perhaps, but damned if that wasn't fun to write.
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 2:35 am

oblivion had bar none one of the most boring magic systems around. it had no interactivity and didnt change anything except shaders. games like dark messiah, vampire bloodlines, my fave arx fatalis and yes even bioshocks plasmids were better than oblivions system. at least in morrowind they had spell chance failure and you had to actually take a casting stance to use it should be.

a great example is to compare vanilla oblivion spells to spells from midas magic. even though i couldnt adjust any of midas magic spells i had far more fun with that mod than oblivions default spell system. oblivions spellmaking system was about as creative as my homework assignments in excel. yeah i can do nifty little things with the numbers and get the columns to go all wonky and crazy but it doesnt make it any more fun or interesting.

one reason im not overly upset that it was removed is that it violated my golden rule of versimillitude sp? if some doofus who was incapable of tying his own shoes or holding a simple dagger is capable of making spells that do 30,000 points of damage or charm spells that that work on anyone for 1 second after only a few weeks in game then why doesnt anyone else use those same spells? if i can do it then a similar npc should also be able to do it. thats also why i wasnt bothered about levitation being removed because no one else in morrowind every used it besides me.

what i wish had been done was being able to mix and match existing spells such as fire and ice in either hand but bethesda for whatever reason couldnt figure it out. hopefully modders can do that at some point. it might be that it was just to OP in which case im glad they left it out.
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Harry-James Payne
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 7:32 am

1/ Pen and Paper RPG's were not spreadsheets, those that think they are/were must have been playing them wrong. I can name many RPG's that don't even have attributes, classes or even dice rolls. People seem to only know of Dungeons and Dragons, and base every RPG off that. And to be fair to Dungeons and Dragons, it wasn't a spreadsheet, it was about charcter development. If you really had the sort of person on your group that treated the game as a min/maxing spreadsheet you should have kicked them out ASAP so you can start actually having fun.

Well obviously it isn't ALL about the numbers otherwise Microsoft Excel would be the best selling RPG of all time, but I haven't seen a rpg that doesn't have a basis in numbers of some sort to measure character development (skill wise), unless you mean text RPGs like Zork and choose your own adventure books?
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Queen Bitch
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:19 am

You can't craft and combine spells simply because you can do it now when using two hands. You can "create" whatever spell you want by combining them. You can't do it at a spell altar because of the different effects they fire/shock/frost spells cause. You can't make a triple combo to weild in one hand that slows, drains magicka and does damage. That doesn't even make sense, if anything, the frost and fire effects would cancel each other out. So its been removed in my opinion because when you're given two hands to combine whatever you want, you can't make ridiculous spells for each hand and combine them producing possibly 6 or more effects with seperate one handed spells combined and cast with two hands.
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Star Dunkels Macmillan
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 10:20 pm

I compleatly agree, but Beth havent been able to make on which they feel is right so I'll be happy with just the new improved system.

What exactly is crafting then?
Material + Armor = Better Armor
Soulgem + Armor = Better Armor

Or do you have to make something from scratch to consider it crafting, but in alchemy you dont make it from scratch you just combine ingredients, you didn't make those ingredients from scratch you where only combinding them to make their effect stronger.

Did you even play Oblivion? When did you ever use existing armor to make new armor? Like, never? Yes. In Oblivion and now in Skyrim, smithing is crafting something from their most raw materials, not simply "upgrading" existing armor. Spell making was smithing for mages, taking raw effects and crafting spells with them. Enchanting simply allows you to apply magic to an existing object, not even close to crafting a spell.
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Stacy Hope
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 9:02 pm

can't w8 to see the new system hope its as intuitive as it looks
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Darrell Fawcett
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 8:57 am

Did you even play Oblivion? When did you ever use existing armor to make new armor? Like, never? Yes. In Oblivion and now in Skyrim, smithing is crafting something from their most raw materials, not simply "upgrading" existing armor. Spell making was smithing for mages, taking raw effects and crafting spells with them. Enchanting simply allows you to apply magic to an existing object, not even close to crafting a spell.

You can use materials to add to armour to upgrade it, just as you can add enchantments to armour to upgrade it. It's crafting for mages as it is much more useful for them because they cannot 'upgrade' their robes and staves using smithing. Sure smiths can create weapons from scratch, but enchanters are the only ones who can craft magical items, with the effects of your choosing.
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Kelly Upshall
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 11:01 pm

The answer to your question is very simple.
Yes, more restricted.

Now there is no difference at all anymore between TES magic, bioshock plasmids, marvels mutant powers or any other generic bolts of light.

With the removal of spellmaking, the magic has been removed from TES.


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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:33 am

The game is targeting an audience that doesn't wanna walk to go in places, doesn't wanna search to find quest taggets, , likes magically enchnced enemies to keep the game challenging, feels okay with th merge of earings and socks , makes 300 threads on looks and marriages, you think that any of the axed features will be a great loss for them? i think not .
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Penny Flame
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 3:12 am

You can use materials to add to armour to upgrade it, just as you can add enchantments to armour to upgrade it. It's crafting for mages as it is much more useful for them because they cannot 'upgrade' their robes and staves using smithing. Sure smiths can create weapons from scratch, but enchanters are the only ones who can craft magical items, with the effects of your choosing.

Show me where you could upgrade armor in Oblivion. Enchanting is not crafting for mages, it's not even a supplement for crafting.
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Lauren Graves
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:09 pm

2: Well Yeah, whenever a game series changes components that have been in since the start people get pissed off. TES was complex and when it got simplified (not my choice of words) people got angry, if COD suddenly became a D&D style shooter then their fans would be irritated as well

You do know there are RPG element sneaking into COD allready, the idea of leveling up unlocking perks and weapons in multiplayer. Don't see every cod fan getting pissed about that. But I think a better point would that TES player complain about losing part of the game, not that action element gets included, i mean having the combat look and feel better isn't something tes players would complain about. Cod fans might complain about aim assist and stuff like that which is more similar to the dumbing down argument.

COD wont become a D&D style shooter any more then D&D will become a COD style RPG.
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louise hamilton
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 8:34 am

It depends on how good enchanting actualy is FOR THE BLEEPING MAGE. If all it can do is enchant stupid armor and stupid weaponry and cant make staves or mage robes or mage hoods or amulets and rings... then todd realy blew it. So far all it says is we cant enhance armor and weapons.... If thats all it does they are bleeping morons.
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lauren cleaves
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 8:57 pm

Show me where you could upgrade armor in Oblivion. Enchanting is not crafting for mages, it's not even a supplement for crafting.

... I wasn't on about Oblivion lol. Enchanting is crafting for mages as it lets them create magical items. I really don't see how it isn't crafting.
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Franko AlVarado
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:29 am

... I wasn't on about Oblivion lol. Enchanting is crafting for mages as it lets them create magical items. I really don't see how it isn't crafting.

Can you please stop letting logic enter the arguement, If we all suddenly started being logical no-one would actually have anything to talk about on these forums, and then where would we be?
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 7:12 am

... I wasn't on about Oblivion lol. Enchanting is crafting for mages as it lets them create magical items. I really don't see how it isn't crafting.

Mages are not actually "creating" any magical items, they are merely adding magical attributes to weapons/clothing/armor that were already there. It's not [censored] crafting, it's enchanting.
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Maddy Paul
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 3:41 am

Did you even play Oblivion? When did you ever use existing armor to make new armor? Like, never? Yes. In Oblivion and now in Skyrim, smithing is crafting something from their most raw materials, not simply "upgrading" existing armor. Spell making was smithing for mages, taking raw effects and crafting spells with them. Enchanting simply allows you to apply magic to an existing object, not even close to crafting a spell.

In Oblivion you couldn't make new armor, infact all forms of "crafting" there was in the game where a part of magic (enchanting, spellmaking and alchemy) Armorer could techicly make "better armor" by repairning beyond 100% but that was even dull compared to encahnting, armorer increased damage or defence a little while enchanting left you an almost limitless possibility to make different kinds of armor or weapons.

Well allmost limitless was kind of pushing it, but compared to the 1 way you could improve weapons and armor in Oblivion with Armorer it is alot more versitile.

Beside I stroongly doubt you can create any kind of weapon/armor you want, crafting from scratch probably will mean Iron/Steel/Silver/Elven.... so on, IT might be possible there is an armor you can't find besides from making it from scratch. but you will always have to make a preset armor. Then after that you can modify it using materials to change its look and effectiveness.

Mages are not actually "creating" any magical items, they are merely adding magical attributes to weapons/clothing/armor that were already there. It's not [censored] crafting, it's enchanting.

Item+Magic=Magical Item
Iron+Smithing=Iron Armor

You are making a magical item just as much a smith is making the iron armor. Yes the item existed before you enchanted it but so did the iron, the smith didnt make the iron so it's not really creating it.
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Beulah Bell
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 11:55 pm

Mages are not actually "creating" any magical items, they are merely adding magical attributes to weapons/clothing/armor that were already there. It's not [censored] crafting, it's enchanting.

Just like spell crafting was adding pre-existing spell effects to pre-existing cast types?
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Chica Cheve
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 10:00 am

Just stop. None of you make remotely compelling arguments. Have fun playing in denial of your new craftless magic system.
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