Who could this mysterious "bg" individual be? And who might "MRCM" be? I feel like you're trying to say something, but . . .

In all seriousness, I hope you'll reconsider, bg2408. OOO was the mod that first got me interested in Oblivion, but LAME and RBP made it a vastly better game, and Integration brought me back for a replay.
There are lots of modders, many of them great, and almost of all of them very talented. My game has a couple of hundred mods, and I like them all. But there are a few individuals who have something else, some combination of vision and dedication, that make their mods truly special. These modders seem to have a clear picture of what
their version of the game should be, and the talent to bring that picture to life. Sotobrastos has it, Simyaz has it (although his mods aren't really to my taste), and you have it. At some level, and especially with LAME and Integration, it feels like you're not modding Oblivion, but
creating a new game.
For whatever it's worth, I don't really think Shikishima realizes the way what he's saying sounds. I think he just enjoys the game he's playing, and is a
huge fan of tejon's mods (and they are good mods, don't get me wrong), and wants to encourage others to have the same kind of experience he's having. Plus, he feels like setting an X6 level slowdown makes his game more challenging, and he wants to brag a little (or a lot). Regardless, I doubt he sees what he's saying as particularly offensive. Now that you've called him out on it, he's getting defensive, and not helping matters, but I still don't think he's
trying to denigrate your work.
On the other hand, there are people who
do try. And I can easily imagine how that would get intensely draining over time. I don't have any modding experience, but I have some open source programming background, and I know how much of a grind it is to support a project when it's all tedious bug fixing and the large majority of your user interaction is dealing with complaints and bug reports. It's wearing. It may be worth considering taking a real break from everything for a while. Don't post in the forums, don't work on your mods -- just play the game, or play something else, or spend time with your family. Get some distance, maybe? The idiots are always going to be there, and the not-so-idiots who nevertheless don't realize that what they're saying might be hurtful. Knowing that, it may be that with the distance you decide it's not worth coming back. On the other hand, maybe a break would you let you more easily ignore those who so richly deserve to be ignored.
I hope you don't leave the community permanently. But if you do, I hope you realize that a lot of us really do appreciate your hard work, and will remember it. And I hope you pop back in from time to time to keep us updated, especially if you decide to do anything else . . . you have real talent and a great sense of game design, and if you ever started working on a game of your own, I'd be your first fan.
Either way, good luck, and thanks again for your mods. They've made my personal Oblivion a very fun game.