My wish is for these to be expanded. You do a great job of making your position transparent as to how you classify and subjectively rank the overhauls and mods. I just wish that you would include the stuff you don't agree with even if ... especially if you then expound on why you don't agree the mod is unbalancing or whatever.
on another note ... it seems that I'm always reading about how you are feeling slighted by mod users and reviewers.
as a suggestion - to keep sanity some artists don't read their reviews by critics.
To have one's own voice and to be able to speak it is a reward in and of itself. This is what unfolding of artistic ability is about. Whether it be a mod one created or a painting.
I think Bob Dylan wrote something along these lines:
There are those without talent
who run around galant
making rules for those with talent.
Certainly it is the case that the only way a talented person can accept a rule is when they doubt their own talent.
If an artist needs acceptance, needs praise - then it is not art - it is entertainment, and the artist an entertainer. BUt then this may mean being honest about what one may want from the purveyors of art (the users of mods) and being forthright about asking for it. Assuming that it will come and not putting out what is wanted is itself a little disingenuous and not at all direct.
For instance I don't think ratings/votes on nexus mean much, but Ismelda wanted it, asked for it, and got it. I even voted!
Oblivion modding and mod using is often about making the world just so - each individual is going to be as particular as they can (or want to ) be. There is just no way for all to agree or find the gold in what is presented. This is an impersonal forum and game mod users are just not going to give a thought about the feelings of the mod maker if the mod does not suit their needs. It is not a personal enough forum in life for that kind of interaction. I wouldn't expect it.
So those are just my thoughts on this.
In short - yes, what you do and provide is valuable - but don't take it personally if it is not as appreciated as you appreciate it.