Hi guys. Usually you can see somebody posting his / her ideas on mod and asking ppl to make it.
I have an idea but I need to expand it.
Most of quest mods designed for mage characters / about magic usually just adds a guild. Srsly?
Does every adventure have to start like this? Lichcraft2 was great IMO, cuz u could become lich just by yourself.
So, i'd like to create an adventure sending you to different realm where you'd have to make your way out.
I was thinking about prison for powerful ones who could destabilize Nirn by collecting artifacts and stuff.
I mean when you get main quest items + 2-3 other powerful items and going to sleep would make you wake up in a cell.
Why am I asking you for help? With your ideas it may become 1000% cooler
Second reason is that I need some help with lore cuz i don't want to [censored] anything up. I hate lore unfriendly mods.