So I got to thinking about how the magic resistances havnt been working for my Breton due to patch 1.2 this slightly bothered me since that's the whole aspect of the Breton. Oh well, it will be fixed soon I imagine. Anyway, as I continued along my adventures in Skyrim I decided to use my frost spells just because I like the way they look over fire and shock. I went about my merry way slaughtering bandits lo and high. All the while thinking, "Did I accidentally slide the difficulty down a notch or two because these frost spells are hitting hard". Lo and behold it clicked in my head that not only the players magic resistance is broken, but so is everything elses! Damn you Nords for being so resistant to my former attempts to kill you with frost magic! Nnow the playing field is even. Bandit Nords, you WILL FREEZE TO DEATH NOW!! Time to whip out the frost spells and enchants everyone! Frost is now a contender again