Magic Resistance cap and Necromage+Vampire, and my build

Post » Sun Jun 17, 2012 8:56 am

So I'm getting around to fine tuning a perfect necromage vamp build, and I've got some questions:

Does Necromage affect:
-Magic Resistance perk in Alteration?
-Magic Resistance from the Lord Stone?
-Magic Resistance from Breton racial?
-Magic Resistance from Agent of Mara?

If yes, is it a straightforward *1.25 amplifier?

My reason for asking is, I want to cap my Magic Resistance. I know you can easily get 100% spell absorbtion, but I'll be using conjuration so that's out of the question. I know the "best" way to cap MR is to stack the above effects, with only 2/3 in the Alteration perk. But as I'm going to be a Necromage Vampire, it's very likely some or all of those effects will get bumped up, and stacking all of them will be overkill. So I'd like to know as much as I can about them before I take a shot in the dark. If possible I'd like to cap my MR without being a Breton or using any enchant slots, as I'd much rather be an Altmer or Dunmer with this character and my slots are all full.

Now for the second part, since I'm posting to ask this question I thought I'd also post my build to see any critique I can get on it. My goal is basically to have everything a Pure Mage has, while also being able to one-shot most things with dagger stealth attacks. I love the pure mage playstyle, but I always miss being able to dispatch enemies with complete silence. I plan on playing no lower than Adept, but I probably won't play on Master since Destruction magic just isn't fun at that level. Not really interested in weapons other than daggers for backstabing. Since I'm not holding back from the crafting skills on this character they would simply outshine magic and I don't want that.

Race: Gonna be Breton/Dunmer/Altmer depending on the answers I get to the above. Dunmer can counter the vampire fire weakness, freeing up a slot on my boots, or Altmer can give me some bonus Magicka (freeing up more for Health) and is my prefered race aesthetically. But Breton may be the least wasteful way to cap MR.
Stone: Lord Stone, almost certainly.
Attributes: My Magicka/Health/Stamina spread is gonna be between 600/400/100 and 700/300/100. I want enough magicka to dual cast Dragonhide without switching gear, which means 570 is the bare minimum for the setup I'm planing on. But too much is pointless since my two most used schools will be free, and I want a decent amount of health. I also have to account for the magicka loss in sunlight.
Perks: Here's a basic outline for perks, I've got 11 to spare:
Here's some notes on stuff I took into consideration:

Only 1/5 in Armsman is really needed, even that may be overkill. The idea is to oneshot Ancient Dragons with Steel Daggers, and with this setup (and Shrouded Handwraps) that should be possible on Adept. Though I may have to add another point or two if they have significant armor, couldn't find that out on UESP.
Decided on Steel Daggers since it's the least perk intensive way to achieve the damage I want. I might go to Elven just for the aesthetics though. Arcane Blacksmith so I can enchant my dagger, and in case I ever want to improve artifacts or something. And so I can enchant+improve follower gear.
Bare minimum to get Assassin's Blade. The rest of the tree is largely obsolete when compared to muffle+Invisibility+100% Illusion cost reduction. The only time I plan on being visible while sneaking is when using Detect Life/Dead.
Best beneficial potions possible, I don't plan on using poisons at all.
My favorite school, meaning I'll definitely get 100% cost reduction. Filled out everything necessary.
I don't really plan on using Thralls that much considering the babysitting and the constant groaning, but I love Dremora Lords. I also like being able to summon far away. But I like zombies too occaisonally, and I have the perks to spare, so I filled out both branches of the left side. Cost reduction because I don't plan of using enchants for Conjuration. Bound weapons are fun on my current pure mage, but will be pretty much obsolete on this build as even without heavy investment in smithing I can make weapons that outdamage my spells.
Max damage, impact, and I'll be getting 100% cost reduction so no pointless perks.
Necromage obviously, and respite for restoring stamina in sunlight. Recovery serves a similar purpose, it allows passive magicka regen in sunlight. No cost reduction perks because this will be the 3rd school I bring to 100% cost reduction through enchantment. I would have done Alteration, but considering the layout of that tree it would only save me 1-2 perks, whereas I get 3-4 here. But if I can't find anywhere better to put my spare perks, I may fill up the cost reduction perks in Resto, and instead strike a balance between Resto reduction and Alteration reduction with enchants. I like my dual cast Paralysis and Dragonhide, and those can be pretty expensive.
2/3 Magic Resistance since that's all that's needed if I'm a Breton, but depending on the answers I get for my above questions that may turn into 3/3 or 1/3. Dual Casting because anything for a longer Dragonhide. Stability for similar reasons, and it affects Paralysis too. Mage Armor because I'll be wearing cloth only and sometimes I won't have the time to cast Dragonhide safely. Skip out on Atronarch because I'll be using Dremoras, and finish up the cost reduction perks because Paralysis and Dragonhide are pretty costly especially when dual cast.
Standard setup. If I put fire resist on my boots, I'll grab Fire Enchanter. I may grab all 3 elemental perks just tp further improve follower gear.

Since these are really the only skills that apply to my playstyle, I don't think I'll be heavily investing into another skill even if I have the points to do so. I'll probably just fill things out, maybe grab the less important Dual Cast or Master perks, or Rune Master. I'd get Disintegrate, but I heard the game doesn't properly clean up ash piles and too many can slow your game down after a while. Is this true?

Gear: Sticking to clothes since I have Mage Armor, and even if I didn't Archmage's Robes is a cornerstone of the build so most armor would clash pretty badly IMO. This is what I have planned:

Head: Gold and Emerald Cirlet
-Fortify Destruction
-Fortify Illusion
Body: Archmage's Robes
Hands: Shrouded Handwraps
Feet: Boots
-Muffle OR Fire Resistance
-Fortify Sneak OR Fire Reistance
Ring: Gold Diamond Ring (Although if anyone knows an enchantable ring that doesn't clip too badly with Shrouded Handwraps that would be great)
-Fortify Destruction
-Fortify Restoration
Necklace: Gold Diamond Necklace
-Fortify Illusion
-Fortify Restoration
Weapon: Steel Dagger (Legendary)
-Fiery Soul trap
-Banish (for banishing my summons quickly)

Mostly I just need help with the boots. But I've been thinking, instead getting 100% cost reduction for 3 schools and 18% for the other 2, perhaps I might switch one Fortify Resoration Enchant to Alteration instead, and grab the cost reduction perks in Restoration. That way I'd have less pressure when it comes to dual casting Dragonhide or spamming paralysis. I will probably go down this route if I can't find a decent use for all my spare perks.

So, there's my build, any comments/advice are welcome, especially for how to use my spare perks. And if you know the answer to my MR questions, please let me know!
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