» Tue Oct 04, 2011 6:47 pm
I don't care, perks and spell levels (novice to master) will allow enough damage variation, what I would like to see is the ability to cast multiple spell effects together again, ala the spell maker.
It should be easy enough to code, just allow multiple spells of varying levels to be "loaded" into each hand, then when you use that hand you fire all spells loaded into it at once, and it costs the cumulative mana total of all spells.
All spell's with a 'hold' mode where you maintain it would be maintained, for the cumulative total mana drain, and instant spells would be fired on trigger only.
Allow the spell combos to be saved and there you have fully functional spell-making within the new system.
It could be GUI'ed by showing an open hand with spells being drag-droped onto fingers, thus avoiding any "spreadsheety" feel that some dread, and giving a combo cap (4/5 spells only, 1 per finger/thumb).
Such a system would be balanced around mana use obviously, which seems like the intent given the perks for improving mana efficiency.