Two words.
Harry Potter.
It does occur to me that if I was a mage in TES, I would design spells that were as sneaky as possible. I..e cast very short lightning bolts at my enemies (move at the speed of light, obviously), set runes on walls that would track the target and attack them 20 seconds later, create shards of ice that would be flung towards the target, call localised thunderstorms, firestorms and blizzards centered on the target, cause the earth to come up and swallow the target and, last but not least, just "force choke" the enemy from a distance.
Lol, I wasn't ever thinking about Harry Potter when I wrote this, but you people got a point. I just thought it would be cool.
Cool spell idead, by the way.
But seriously, I wasn't talking about wands or whatever, I have just been thinking it strange how there was a silence spell, but no spoken words. Those suggestion words were just gibberish anyway.