» Sat May 28, 2011 7:13 am
Most spells in the previous game were about direct damage or stat damage or enhancement. There were some usefully abusive spells like light, invisibility / chameleon, unlock, paralysis, weakness to magic, drain life, feather. Other spells were useless or useful only to level points: bound helmet, summon imp, burden, open novice lock. Unless bound helmet actually distracted a guard I wouldn't use it.
Useful combat magic would allow the caster to control the situation, mostly crowd control. Stuns, paralysis, knockdowns, sleeps, protection from archers, temporary faster movement and attack for companions, slow hostile attack speed.
I loved the stasis / forcefield ( Mass Effect ) that immediately took a hostile or friendly out of the battle temporarily by holding them but preventing them from taking damage during the hold. This could be Alteration. Mysticism could have spell to make your companion or summon look more threatening so that everyone wants to go after them and leave you alone. Cast stasis on your threatening companion and it not only saves them but makes them a decoy. Mysticism could also have curses to make your foe archer have terrible aim, or arrange for a shield warrior to become so confident that he leaves his flank open. How about sacrificial magic? Your summoned bear has plenty of health but you don't so you sacrifice them to heal yourself. What if you alone didn't have enough magic for a powerful spell but both you and your wizard ally did, and there was a spell that allowed you to spend their magic as well as your own to pay for casting hulk meteor throw?
The above examples came from other games. I wish in Oblivion that I had an anti-mage spell that temporarily prevented magic regeneration for both myself and and the hostile mage I was fighting.