if you pause at 4:37 you may notice that he is using adept and novice that do a lot of dammage for spells of that level if you watch he has a master spell that does 75 fire dammage but an adept spell that does the same. now what im trying to get at is a small theory. if you increase your destruction does it like make you weaker spells more powerful aswell or does it do what is does on oblivion and just lets you use higher leveled spells. if anyone knows anything about how the magic works please post somethhing i dont know if there has been anything about this and if there is im sorry for wasting time if there has been. BUT i have a question to ask we all know how you can find rare items on these games just deppends on where you look or easter eggs example. on oblivion you can find a giant slaughterfish or mudcrab or the troll at dive rock (i think its that) or how you can find rare weapons like that bow and mace hid in one of the oblivion gates. do you think there going to do some of that in skyrim like really powerful weapons but you have to go through loads of puzzels to get them or being able to find like legendary spell tomes to learn amazing spells. thanks for your time. :biggrin: