What are your favourite type of decks, and what colour(s) do you play?

I played black zombie deck. I did good in some tournaments against randoms, and I excel against people who do play against me.
Im pretty good at it, and I still remember all the rules despite not playing it for some time.
I think my black deck is worth atleast 100 dollars. Shiny cards, and lots of rares and mythic rares.
Stopped playing due to unoriginal cards, and money. Ravinica I think.
I have a few cards but I've forgotten how to play. Anyway my favorite decks are Black and White.
I play and own about 6000 - 7000 cards, play nearly exclusively white and green token decks as they are my favorite type of deck, especially if I can throw control and lifegain into the deck as well. Own and played Duels of the Planeswalkers 2014 and am waiting on 2015 which will allow you to build your own decks out of a card pool of about 300+ different cards from what I've heard. Excited to play the game.
I used to play traditional but it's hard to find people to play with. I tried MTG Online but found I couldn't bring myself to pay money for digital cards. Duels of the Planeswalkers is pretty fun but fairly limiting. I found the best way to play is to "forge" my way into playing against AI opponents. In my boredom I also came up with some solitaire rules to play by myself.
Most of my decks are some combination of red, green and black. Sometimes I throw some white in there. Not a big fan of blue.
I play with a couple people at work. Lately I've been using a mono-blue control deck which has been a lot of fun to play with.
I played it a lot in the distant past, but haven't done much in years. I've got 10-15k cards, from Beta through the Mercadian Masques block (or maybe the one after). Not many cards in those later blocks, I was just playing the periodic Draft tourney at that point. Was never really competitive, I mostly made fun "theme" decks.... like Angels w/lots of miltant enchants; or Dragons + destruction & fire spells; etc, etc, etc. I've got like 18 decks in a box that I put together over a decade ago, that I've messed around with a few times with my weekly tabletop gaming group.
Never played any of the digital versions, though.
I've been slowly selling off the "big" cards. ~50 cards a couple years ago got me the PC in my sig. And last week I got another $800 for 6-10 cards including some dual lands.