» Sat Apr 02, 2011 9:28 pm
Buah! How do some people figure that assassins>mages. Here's what you do, as a mage: You get yourself a nice robe. Or armor. Preferrably with red flowers. Pink is fine too. Then, you put it on a table. The robe. With flowers. Then, you use your mighty spells to enchance it. Say, permanent shield. Or something. A permanent spell, say, that hits the first attacker, if it's offensive spell you wish to use. Yes. Say, paralyze. The second an assassin touches you, he's paralyzed. Yes! Paralyzed. Or a defensive spell, oh yes! Invisibility, you say? Yay, I answer! That would be fairly good! You disappear when an assassin attacks you! Yes! Or even better, an really effective shield spell, that would just cause his attack not to harm you at ALL. Yay for magic! Magic! Wooh! Oh yes. It's your choice. If you're a powerful mage, nothing can stop you. Oh no. Unless they take your enchanted item off you. Well, you'd notice that, no? Unless you like it! Oh, oh, unless you like it! I hope you don't. Oh fairies, I hope you don't. Even then, if you would like it, you'd have some protective stuff you could do. Hello hello hello! Cast a protective spell immediately when it ends! Only good if you're really paranoid, if you're not powerful, since you'd have to do it a lot! Oh, a lot a lot!
But, behold! If you are powerful, it could last the whole day! Whole day, you ask? Whole day, I answer! Thus, the answer is! Mages>Warriors>Assassins>Rats
Oh, but there is something else you should know! That rule only applies if you're a powerful mage! A powerful mage>Powerful warrior>Powerful assassin>Weak rat
If you are not powerful, what happens, you ask? Oh no you didn't! Yes you did! Nay! Yay! Well, I'll tell you! What usually happens, is that mages DIE when they're on the low to mid POWER LEVEL (when their power level isn't OVER NINETHOUSAND hU hA eHE). Yes! It's not an old joke! Shut your tongue! Ohhh! What if you don't have one? No worries, there's blueberries! Yes! So if we're not talking about a powerful mage, but a low to medium skilled mage, here is how it goes! A low to medium warrior>A low to medium mage. An assassin would, I'm afraid, have to be highly skilled to kill either one of these, though. Since if he fails his stealth, he's toasted! A toasted assassin, how would that look? Not pretty. Not pretty at all. Apples and oranges, that is not. So yes, A low to medium warrior>A slightly more skilled assassin than the others>A low to medium mage.
If you're a mage, an advice I have! Become powerful before you go out challenging those skyscraqers!