Magicka-Health-Stamina Ratio Help

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:01 pm

Hey guys, currently I'm rolling with a new character now and I've got all my main skills that I'll be using down, which perks I'll most likely place ect. The only thing I don't have down is my the ratio at which to increase the 3 main stats. My character is, and I use these two terms very loosely, a hybrid of a Necromancer and a Paladin in terms of playstyle. God I hate using those words. My skill sets are HEAVY focus in Conjuration (almost entire tree) Restoration ( large portion of tree ) and One handed ( the useful perks ). So I'll always have a conjured friend to aid the fight, always. Switch my left hand to healing spells when necessary. And always have my mace, sword, or axe in my right hand. Also I will be decked out in all heavy armor. Long time Elder Scrolls player, but I still would like to hear some advice from the other Elder Scrolls Veterans out there. I'm figuring a 6-4-2 split going on. The 6 being Magicka, 4 being Health, and 2 being stamina (up for debate seeing as how stamina is not as huge for me since you can power attack with only 1 stamina, so they stamina points could be allocated somewhere else). I greatly appreciate anyones advice they can offer on this minor issue guys. Though, for being a minor issue I sure did type a lot .... :P

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Chris Ellis
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:22 pm

stamina is good for burst damage, since you are going pretty heavy on the summon side, you probably dont even need stamina to begin with.

id suggest go for 7-3 or 6-4 and only put into stamina if you feel you need it. you can test your play style by putting on +stamina gear and see how you like with or without stamina
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:04 am

Once your magicka gets to a certain point and your mana cost on spells comes down to sane levels with fortify enchantments, you could put the rest of your points into health. Thats what I do anyways. With enchanting and level attribute allocation i've attained a little over 500 magicka and this seems to be large enough for anything.

I think I'm going to put the rest into health from now on. up to 340 atm. On master difficulty that can get zapped down pretty fast.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:24 pm

Thanks, I'm definitely feeling that 6-4 split. And I can always add a few to either side if I'm ever getting hit too hard or magicka is running out to quickly. Though, I really don't think magicka running out will be much of a problem since I'm only using it to heal and summon. Should work out nicely I'm hoping. Thanks.
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Red Bevinz
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:55 pm

i use a similar style and i haven't put a single point into stamina yet.

i rarely use the heavy attacks, so stamina is never an issue and i find that having more health / magic much more valuable.

and i never run out of carry weight, so i would recomend not puttin anything into stamina until you feel you must
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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:35 pm

Yeah that seems like a good idea Hoki. Once I can get a base idea for how much magicka I'll be using per fight I'll just have enough to spare in case crap hits the fan. Also potions as backups never hurt. And the enchants will definitely be a nice addition to drop those huge summon costs or those nuke powered healing spells. Though I don't plan on doing the whole "reducing your mana costs to 0 using enchanting" that would make the game a lot less fun for me personally. Also, I have one more question, is enchanting still viable without placing any points into it? I want to enchant all my gear and weapons but I'm not sure if I will have many points to spare by the time I am level 50.
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