Hey guys, currently I'm rolling with a new character now and I've got all my main skills that I'll be using down, which perks I'll most likely place ect. The only thing I don't have down is my the ratio at which to increase the 3 main stats. My character is, and I use these two terms very loosely, a hybrid of a Necromancer and a Paladin in terms of playstyle. God I hate using those words. My skill sets are HEAVY focus in Conjuration (almost entire tree) Restoration ( large portion of tree ) and One handed ( the useful perks ). So I'll always have a conjured friend to aid the fight, always. Switch my left hand to healing spells when necessary. And always have my mace, sword, or axe in my right hand. Also I will be decked out in all heavy armor. Long time Elder Scrolls player, but I still would like to hear some advice from the other Elder Scrolls Veterans out there. I'm figuring a 6-4-2 split going on. The 6 being Magicka, 4 being Health, and 2 being stamina (up for debate seeing as how stamina is not as huge for me since you can power attack with only 1 stamina, so they stamina points could be allocated somewhere else). I greatly appreciate anyones advice they can offer on this minor issue guys. Though, for being a minor issue I sure did type a lot ....
