Yeah, that game was terrible. If they want to put in homing, have it as an option in spell creation. Ranged spells worked fine before, maybe make them a little faster.
Your example basically means every swing you do gets a hit. That's the worst thing they can do. Why even have enemies dodge when they always get hit? Why even play the game?
They won't always get hit. Again, think Assassin's Creed. They can dodge you, your going to hesistate for a moment. They can take that moment to strike, if they don't your going to have to step forward and attack, which they could block, or get hit. Basically making combat more involved and realistic, where you have to look for openings, and play the offense and defense.
My example was basically saying, after he dodges, your not just going to stand their and both swing at the air in front of you, one of you have to come back in to get back in to the fight. In order to do that you need to move forward, so you could walk forward, then swing, or do both at the same time and lunge towards him.