Mahagony SkinPack's content:
- Scar/ Scarab
- Feline
- X-43 Mike
- Majestic
- Nova
- AY69
- K-Volt
- Grendel
- DSG-1
- Gauss
- Hammer
- Grenade
- Flashbang
- Jackal
- Marshall
- Sniper Scope
- Assault Scope
- Reflex Sight
- Red
- Blue
- Green
- Yellow
- Unpack the .zip file
- Download and extract the Mahagony.rar
- Select your color and copy-paste the desired .pak file to your gamecrysis2 folder
- Enjoy!
:: D O W N L O A D ::
Made by: Slystyle
Attention, the use of the skins won't give any kind of advantages while using in-game. There are only skins/textures modified, nothing else. Further on, it is not allowed to use on tournaments/official events, we recommend to use it only on public servers.