Main Quest Comparison: Skyrim & Morrowind

Post » Tue Jun 02, 2015 3:54 am

"George finally finished the main quest of Skyrim and decided that it's time to put it to bed. Consider this it's eulogy. And a mild gushing over how awesome Morrowind was."

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Post » Tue Jun 02, 2015 12:06 am

There's a lot of good points raised, but his argument starts off, and keeps coming back to a very bad point that shows he hasn't actually paid attention to the lore.

Armgier's conclusion statement is driving home something that, if you speak to him throughout the ordeal of Alduin, is brought up frequently by the Greybeards. Are you RIGHT in saving the world. Alduin exists for a reason, the world ends and is reborn for a reason, and by stopping that cycle are you, the 'Hero', dooming the world to a far worse fate? All your other deeds mean nothing if you leave the world to slowly rot away into entropy because you wouldn't let the Dragon hit the reset button.

I also don't think the fast travel is nearly as much of a concern as he makes it out to be. First, you inevitably have to walk everywhere first (in Skyrim, i made it a note to never use the carriages on several play throughs). Second, the way Morrowind's map was set up far far more conducive to that kind of travel, and in fact seemed (to me, anyway) to make the world smaller. I could make it from Ald'rhun to the Urshilaku camp in, maybe about 10 minutes. It takes about that long just to get out of the Reach, never mind. This is because most of Morrowind is just heighmaping, with few vertical impediments disrupting travel. You can typically go from A to B, where in Skyrim you often have to go through C and D and circle back to B. The problem is, with the latter, that perceptive shift in size also affects travel time, and can quickly start piling up with what essentially amounts to non-time just getting form A to B. Morrowind was bad for it, Skyrim is even worse (without fast travel).

Story pacing and Skyrim's obsession with pushing dungeon delves, along with it's secondary questlines, are all legitimate points that i have to agree with. In terms of pacing, range of activities and overall delivery, Morrowind's story was vastly superior to any other in the series, but i just feel that this video misses some of the key points to Skyrim, and interprets that lack of understanding as a failing, while at the same time lauding the depth and ambiguity of Morrowind.

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