I bet Mankar Cameron would have paid good for it though.
I actually think that might be the basis for a pretty good mod. The player could switch sides in the crisis by offering the amulet to Mankar Cameron. An NPC could track the player down, Jollring-style, and whisper, shifting his toothpick to the other side of his mouth, "Psst.The Boss'd like a word wit youse. Get in the car if ya know what's good for ya." Mankar "The Finger" Camoran offers the player a job as an "enforcer" in his organization. And before the player knows what they've done they're caught up in a whirlwind of double-crosses, shady dames and back-alley intrigue that makes the paranoid political infighting on Vvardenfell look like kindergarten.
Or you could just sell it.