Main quest + side quests stuck

Post » Tue Feb 02, 2016 9:11 pm

Main quest and several world quests dialogue prompts will not pop up. I was doing Dangerous Minds and when I get out of the pod after all of Kellog's memories, nothing happens. The prompt won't come up and the quest will not finish, so I can't continue to go into the following one The Glowing Sea. I also noticed that prompts that my son has gotten on the Xbox One, I'm not getting on PC. I will not get a prompt when I walk into the Memory Den. When in Diamond City, the guy by the green wall painting will not give me the prompt to start the painting the wall green mission. I tried various things I saw online, like hitting the Dr. and putting my gun away quickly, but it didn't work. I tried leaving the Memory Den and fast traveling and coming back, but nothing. ?The cursor for the mission appears like it's underground. I checked the Integrity Cache on Steam and nothing. I downloaded the latest Beta patch and nothing. Any help would be appreciated.

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Nick Jase Mason
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Post » Tue Feb 02, 2016 9:28 pm

Dangerous Mind glitch:

If you type at the console (~): setstage mq202 320 it will end that quest.


Painting the Town glitch:


Even after you get the miscellaneous objective to "See Abbot at the wall" to initiate the quest, you sometimes will not be able to talk to him.

He will just speak his "I'm busy!" lines. Sometimes this can be cleared by going to and obtaining the green paint.

On the other hand if you've already obtained the green paint before attempting to talk to Abbot, removing it from your inventory first may allow you to talk to him, though in this case the quest may still malfunction.

A way to avoid the bug may be by not making the green paint before you meet him and get the quest.

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Steven Hardman
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