Although I like Dogmeat just fine, yeah, that particular scene in the main quest was incredibly silly. I hadn't traveled with the dog for a long time since I was trying out the human companions I'd found, so when Nick was all 'what about Dogmeat?' and suddenly there he was, randomly waiting outside, I was like.... um... okay? Ideally, the scene would only have played out that way if you had Dogmeat with you right then. Otherwise Nick could have just said something along the lines of 'hey, if only we had a dog!' and you could be all 'dude, I got one!' and then a quest marker appears wherever Dogmeat is and you meet him back at Diamond City. (Behold my great dialogue writing skillz, yo.
) The travel would be a bit tedious (as I don't fast travel) but at least I wouldn't have been scratching my head at the psychic abilities of Nick Valentine and the magic super dog. Yeah, love the game, and even like the main quest a lot, but the way that one scene played out was a major weak point.
And as far as the baby plot goes... I feel like I had plenty of options to be vague about what I was searching for, or move the conversation along so I could avoid the more emotional dialogue, and I know at least a couple times I could express that revenge was my motivator. I don't know... I see a lot of complaints about people choosing dialogue responses they didn't want, but I've never really had that issue. Maybe I was just lucky enough to guess right, but, while I could critique many aspects of the dialogue system, so far the paraphrasing hasn't been one of them. I think you just have to pay more attention. Someone in this thread said the result of the 'you're one of them' option when Nick tells you he's a synth came as a surprise... But, it says "you're one of them" in the 'mean/rude' slot of the dialogue wheel - 'ew, you're one of them, creepy synth, are you involved?' was pretty much exactly what I would have expected to come out of that considering the context.