Erm, folks already decided that guns won't work, that they might work via Dwemer, should be either dropped in via a falling mage from the sky or blow up in your hands, or be laser guns (which were proven to be nothing more than shock damage down a rod

Also, it seems that most people assume that there would more than one gun, it'd be usable, and be modern. Personally, I think I'll just sit this one out today and track targets

Oh, there was a poll here as well that ended up something like 350 against and 5 for guns. Of course, to make you worry a bit, please remember that this forum is not representitive of the millions who will buy the game

HA! Good Fun!
Oh, no it doesn't annoy me, since I don't visit those sites and am not emotionally invested in Skyrim. Also, I wouldn't mind one steampunkish limited usage gun via way of an extremely well thoght out quest like the Golden Pantaloons. BUT it'd be kind of funny in a black humor kind of way to get some popcorn and watch this place if they dd do something like that :chaos: