Im having major issues with my account(s). At first after i bought the game and went to login to multiplayer i was not able to log in with my account.
This account name is "Azze".
Well after this i managed to create new account ingame using same e-mail adress with nickname "Ekido".
I was able to play completely fine with the new "Ekido" account and log to webpage.
Well i did not realy want to play with the new nickname and i found out about the "delete account" function on account settings so i gave it a try.
I deleted both of my accounts and tried to re-create "Azze" account ingame but still kept saying that nickname was in use.
Well after this i re-created "Ekido" account succesfuly ingame and was able to play again, but im no longer able to log to website anymore at all on neither accounts!
When i try to create new account using "Azze" or "Ekido" nicknames and same e-mail, trough, it says that my email and nickname are in use.
If you wonder how im still able to post with my "Azze" name here is the reason:
"Azze" account seems to be stuck in some sort of limbo, after i deleted it i was not able to log in anymore but i was able to get on the account trough my web browser history cookies wich is VERY odd.
This issue requires dev/admin assistance
I just want my "Azze" account to work
or both of them completely removed so i can re-create atleast "Azze" account from scratch.
edit: the platform is PC
edit2: Another detail to add: When i try "forgot your password?" function with my e-mail it says my e-mai or username is not registered.