Major account issue

Post » Tue May 31, 2011 10:02 pm


Im having major issues with my account(s). At first after i bought the game and went to login to multiplayer i was not able to log in with my account.
This account name is "Azze".

Well after this i managed to create new account ingame using same e-mail adress with nickname "Ekido".

I was able to play completely fine with the new "Ekido" account and log to webpage.
Well i did not realy want to play with the new nickname and i found out about the "delete account" function on account settings so i gave it a try.

I deleted both of my accounts and tried to re-create "Azze" account ingame but still kept saying that nickname was in use.

Well after this i re-created "Ekido" account succesfuly ingame and was able to play again, but im no longer able to log to website anymore at all on neither accounts!

When i try to create new account using "Azze" or "Ekido" nicknames and same e-mail, trough, it says that my email and nickname are in use.

If you wonder how im still able to post with my "Azze" name here is the reason:
"Azze" account seems to be stuck in some sort of limbo, after i deleted it i was not able to log in anymore but i was able to get on the account trough my web browser history cookies wich is VERY odd.

This issue requires dev/admin assistance
I just want my "Azze" account to work
or both of them completely removed so i can re-create atleast "Azze" account from scratch.


edit: the platform is PC

edit2: Another detail to add: When i try "forgot your password?" function with my e-mail it says my e-mai or username is not registered.
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Alex Vincent
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 12:06 pm


Im having major issues with my account(s). At first after i bought the game and went to login to multiplayer i was not able to log in with my account.
This account name is "Azze".

did you play the demo with the account "Azze" ?
I'm affraid IGN/ gamesas considers that this nickname is in use with the demo (and the game !! even if you haven't played with this account on it, nor nobody), and then not available.
I've checked yesterday, i still could login to the demo (even if there weren't any servers) with the acount i've used for the demo. And stats hadn't been cleared.

Well after this i managed to create new account ingame using same e-mail adress with nickname "Ekido".

I was able to play completely fine with the new "Ekido" account and log to webpage.
Well i did not realy want to play with the new nickname and i found out about the "delete account" function on account settings so i gave it a try.

I deleted both of my accounts and tried to re-create "Azze" account ingame but still kept saying that nickname was in use.

i saw briefly yesterday that in my gamesas profile appeared a box allowing something like
"linking your gamesas username with your game Nickname", under the only condition you dropped down your game Nickname in the box.
i don't know how i got this box appearing

Well after this i re-created "Ekido" account succesfuly ingame and was able to play again, but im no longer able to log to website anymore at all on neither accounts!

it probably means that game Nickname and gamesas have to be associated in a way or in other.
The problem is that perhaps the "delete" option at gamesas profile deletes the game Nickname but doesn't release the gamesas option.
What kind of message do you get when you try to connect at gamesas with "Azze" or "Ekido" usernames ?
Have you tried to connect with your email as credential ? What happened ?

When i try to create new account using "Azze" or "Ekido" nicknames and same e-mail, trough, it says that my email and nickname are in use.

If you wonder how im still able to post with my "Azze" name here is the reason:
"Azze" account seems to be stuck in some sort of limbo, after i deleted it i was not able to log in anymore but i was able to get on the account trough my web browser history cookies wich is VERY odd.

This issue requires dev/admin assistance
I just want my "Azze" account to work


edit: the platform is PC

edit2: Another detail to add: When i try "forgot your password?" function with my e-mail it says my e-mai or username is not registered.
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Marta Wolko
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 8:45 pm


I have the same problem like you.
Tried the delete function to delete my old account, because I wanted to use my email with a new nickname.
But I cannot use my email to create a new account on the page, because it keeps telling me "email already in use".
I cannot access my old account via the page, but can use it InGame without any problems.
I'm also still logged in to the forums.

So it would be nice if it's possible to reactivate my "deleted" account or completly delete it, so I can create a new one.

My platform is also PC.

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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 8:23 pm

No i did not play demo with Azze
When i try to connect gamesas with nicknames it simply says that nickname or password is incorrect.
When i try to connect gamesas with email it says it doesnt exist
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Heather beauchamp
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 8:24 am

No i did not play demo with Azze

and with another nickname ? If so: same email than the one you had initially chosen for Azze ?

When i try to connect gamesas with nicknames it simply says that nickname or password is incorrect.

but you had only deleted the accounts, not changed your passwords ? right ?

When i try to connect gamesas with email it says it doesnt exist

which means basically that deleting gamesas accounts basically breaches any link between an email and a username.
but considering the message you get when trying to connect with the usernames, it doesn't delete the usernames themselves
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Julia Schwalbe
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 11:51 pm

Naw, neither of these accounts or email i used when i tested demo out.
And yes i only deleted the accounts, it just gives error message "Nickname or password incorrect" or something like that.
I did test my demo account however and its obliterated, the email is in the system but the nickname is gone.
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Heather M
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 2:08 pm

What I really don't get is why they decided it was a good idea to use completely different systems to login to the same game. Why couldn't they have just gone with one master account and this would have been so much less hassle.....
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Laura Wilson
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 6:19 pm

Guess we have to wait till monday, highly doubt they work weekends.
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 5:09 pm

More details of the Error message i get when i try to log in with e-mail

The username Azze has not been activated or is blocked. Sorry, *****@*****.com is not recognized as a user name or an e-mail address. Data pass => ****, for Azze synced to Drupal. Successfully authenticated from phpBB.

I managed to get password reset to work ... partly, well it sends reset message now but it gives link to differend email account :D

What i did was deleted my gamespy personas trough gamespy arcade and re-created them.
I still cant log in tho and still cant create new account, keeps saying that nicknames and email is in use.

Also the error message above disappeared.
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 4:19 pm

Interesting, more update to the issue.
When i enter now with the same cookies it now recognizes me as Ekido
This happened after i changed the alternative nickname from gamespy account to same as my unique nickname.
Earlier my gamespy persona had Ekido as unique nickname and Azze as nickname now its Ekido Ekido

And another interesting fact is that when ingame i can create account with my email and Ekido nickname as many times as i like, no error messages or anything wich is odd.

Reset password thing stopped working again after i changed my other accout (differend email) password to diffrend one
And it starts to "work" again after i change the password back.

Update to the issue since i can no longer enter Azze nickname:

The issue right now is that my account works ingame but i cant log in to

Think im gonna ditch Azze nickname, i think it was bugged in first place because it wasnt my gamespy unique nickname.

So if admin can see this, all i want is to get my account to work with Ekido as nickname :(

Kinda sad that my account was actualy working perfectly before (not countin Azze nicknamed "account")
but broke it with the delete account function.
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Oscar Vazquez
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 1:15 pm

Got the same problem here, I deleted my account "Kyck" with the e-mail adress I use for almost everything. Whenever I'm on the gamesas site, & try to log on, it doesn't work, but when I go on the gamesas forum, it log automically on "Kyck" & when I try to redelete it, it goes to a white screen. (

I created this gamesas account back then for the crysis 2 demo, didn't work already... Still doesn't work for the full game...

But an old gamespy account I made a while ago "Kyckz" is working with Crysis 2. (I don't want to use it) I want to use Kyck on & not Kyckz on gamespy... (or at least Kyck on gamespy, but since it is already taken on gamespy...)

Whenever I try to recreate a game account with my e-mail adress I used for Kyck, or remade Kyck, it said the e-mail adress is already in use, same for the nickname...

So what am I supposed to do Crytek?

(sorry for my bad english)
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 1:40 pm

This system is a mess, it recodnizes me as Azze again.
Starting to lose all hope here, this has gone for days now and still no fix what so ever.
Sent PM's to admins and contacted support with no answers.
I do realise that they might be overwhelmed with the amount of issues.
And i do realise that they are "investigating" this issue, if you ask me that doesnt sound so good.
Like they dont even know what the problem realy is.

Cmon Crytek, let me play the game i paid for :(
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