i have a major issue with my cs... the other day (yesterday) it decided that it was not going to allow me to type dialogue... i can make quests, wen i go to the topic screen, it will allow me to create, and add topics... but if i go to add "entrys" which usualy luanches another window that will allow me to add text to... it wont luanch, and instead will crash
i had this issue wen i frst installed the cs, and oblivion on my new computer (last feburary) and somehow, it (the computer/cs) fixed itself.. and would allow me to add dialogue, but i couldnt set npc facial values (minor price to pay to be able to use thi dialogue features) but for some reaosn yesterday, it decided it didnt want to work anymore
has anyone else had this isssue before? or has any clue how to fix it?
thanks in advanced
vista home premium 64 bit OS