Ok, I locate a small camp up in the mountains near Serpents Bluff, 3 bandits are there, one standing guard, the other 2 sat at a table with a latern lit, seemingly having a conversation. I approach, and to my amazement, the bandit on guard doesn't give me the typical verbal warning, nor draws a weapon. I step closer and she just stands arms crossed bobbing head up and down. I approach the table and I see that the 2 bandits are laughing, counting coins, many many coins. I try to talk to one and he just says "Quit complaining, I'm losing count". I try again, he responds "Get over it already, we got what we wanted". I talk again and he says "I'm done with this game of yours, leave us alone". After that he just grunts. Chatting to the other guy, he just grunts, so I assume the same dialogue was in place for him originally, too. I go chat to the guard, she says "Going back out there? Good, we got no time for your trouble". Chat to her again and she says "All this Dragon talk seems a bit backwards to me". Chat to her again and she says "Quit bugging me, already".
I must say, not only have I never seen this camp before patch 1.2, I also have a strange feeling towards a couple of things. Firstly, you cannot kill these bandits, they just take a hit but neither move nor fall. You cannot take their gold. There are no chests or anything near, just a bedroll and candles/lanterns, some toppled furniture etc. Secondly, the dialogue seems like a very strange choice of words. Bandits counting lots of money, done with this "GAME" of yours, the lady wanting no trouble and especially the choice of words when she says "All this Dragon talk seems a bit backwards to me". This is a very peculiar Easter Egg if you ask me!!!
Is this a message from Bethesda?
This camp vanished after a couple of days. Seems to behave like a Khajiit caravan.