Major Mod Installation Help

Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:55 am

Hey guys, I'm having problems getting some mods to work together in unison. More specifically the following mods. When I start up the game it either crashes or I get red exclamation marks. My game also crashes when I attempt to open my inventory. Here are some of the major mods that I am using to modify the game. I would appreciate if people could help me by breaking down the order I should install these as well as the times when I should install the patches that allow them to work together (which are avalible on the Nexus).:

Arenovalis Weapon Retex project
Project Nevada
WME - Weapon Modification Expansion
EVE - Essential Visuals Enhanced
DarNified UI
Unified HUD Project (and all mods that it emcompasses)
Electro City
FNV Enhanced Shaders

Thank you for your time
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Matt Bigelow
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 6:35 pm

For the load order, use That's an automated load order sorting tool. Don't be intimated by the "Oblivion" in it's name, it's New Vegas support is excellent.

Exclamation marks mean that some meshes are missing (model files for creatures and objects), make sure you have extracted all the files from those mod to the right places. Also make sure you have Archive Invalidation applied.
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Claire Mclaughlin
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 4:11 pm

Thanks, however its not the load order I am concerned with, I'm already using BOSS, its the order I should install each mod and patch so that conflicts will not occur.
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Nana Samboy
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 9:56 pm

Ah, i misunderstood. That really depends on what mod you want to "win" over the others, what mod's changes you want over the others.

With those i'd go with Project Nevada, Arenovalis' textures, XCaliber, WME (PN-WME patch), EVE (WME-EVE patch), Darn and Unified HUD. The rest shouldn't conflict. And PN doesn't conflict with anything either, the WME patch just allows PN's new guns to be modded with WME's mods.
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